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Q: It must be a scam the yes or no selection went to yes automaticly. I am telling the credit card holder to refuse the fee.?
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Related questions

Does a second credit card holder receive a credit card?

Yes, a second credit card holder has his/her credit card also but of course, they are just under the primary card holder.

How does a private mortgage holder enter a favorable report on the mortgagee's credit?

A private mortgage holder normally does not belong to a credit bureau; therefore, can not report credit activity to a credit bureau..

Is an additional credit card holder liable for the whole debt on the credit card account?

ia an additional credit card holder liable for the whole debt of the credit card account

Is an authorized credit card user responsible for credit card debt if the primary card holder declares bankruptcy?

No. The card holder is responsible for all debt on the credit they extended to him. (You may be responsible to the credit card holder for the debt he incurred for you, if that was your agreement).

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What is the difference between a primary credit card holder and a secondary holder CV Code?


Can a secondary card holder remove himself from an account leaving only the primary card holder's name?

Usually, a new card is issued in the primary card holder's name. Usually both parties on a credit card have to sign off to eliminate the secondary card holder. Your credit card holder can help you with this.

Can an authorized user of a credit card increase credit limit without knowledge of card holder?

Short answer:It depends on the bank. Most likely though, no. Long answer:It depends on the bank and if the person asking the credit limit increase is a primary card holder. Most banks or credit card companies won't allow a secondary card holder to increase the credit limit. I just called and checked. The bank my credit card was associated with was MBNA.I am a secondary card holder (my name is on the card, but the primary responsibility to the account is under someone else's name).They told me the primary card holder needs to call in to modify the credit limit.So in my case, the answer is no. An authorized user of the card cannot increase the credit limit without the knowledge of the primary card holder.

Does interest accrue on credit card debt after card holder is deceased?

Interest does not accrue on credit card debt after the card holder is deceased. It can occur however, if the spouse is on the account.

Can adding a second card holder to your credit account affect your credit score?

Not if you are responsible for all of the loans or credit card payments on your credit report. But, if the second card holder is responsible for any payments on your cards, and doesn't make them, then it can cause your score to lower.

What does a credit score of 9001 mean?

Account holder deceased

Is a secondary credit card holder resposible for debt?

Depends on what "Type" of Credit Holder you are. Here is how that will go: If you are what is known as an authorized user on the account. (i.e. - The Primary account holder has given you permission to make charges on the account), the answer is No. The primary account holder is responsible for any charges he/she has allowed you to make on the account. If you are a Secondary account holder (i.e. -your name was put on the account APPLICATION at the time the card was applied for), then your answer is YES. If the Primary account holder defaults on the account, then the credit card company will turn to try and collect from the Secondary account holder. BEWARE of becoming a secondary holder on anything that has to do with credit. If you know that the Primary holder may default, you could get stuck with a huge amount of debt on your hands, and if you can't pay, your nice credit score of 783 could very quickly go down the drain to 535 or lower.