Pounds is the currency of England and dollars is the currency of America
The value of the pound today July 24, 2014 against the dollar is $1.70. This refers to the British pound in comparison to the US dollar.
Dollar to Pound ratio mean you are living in Great Britain (home country). This ratio clearly states that what amount of Pound (GBP) can be bought with a certain units of Dollar (USD) which can be donated as: USD/GBP Let suppose today's Dollar to Pound ratio is 0.65; which means 0.65 pounds can be bought with 1 unit of Dollar.
1 US dollar is worth 0.689 pounds. 1 pound is worth $1.4327
84 British Pound Sterling
Pounds is the currency of England and dollars is the currency of America
USD is United States Dollar GBP is Great Britain Pound $1 USD= 0.6275 GBP
There are 16 ounces in a pound.
No difference, they are both the same. A pound is just a shortened version of pound sterling.
There is no such thing as the British dollar. The British currency is the pound (symbol '£'), divided into 100 pence.
Yea baby I can
0.30-0.35 Pound. It was happend in 1985.
dollar =54 ruppes
50 lbs.
sterling is always higher than dollar. What is the difference between sterling and pound?
i dont think there is
I think its 90p