When a check is written on a bank account, the banker at that particular bank is the paying banker. They are responsible for paying the check when a customer presents it for payment. A collecting banker collects the checks for his customers from a paying banker.
A cashiers check is far safer than a personal check, whether you are the payee or the payor. If you are the payee (the one receiving the check) and receive a personal check that is insufficient, you have very little recourse in obtaining the money owed to you. If you are paid with a cashiers check, it is guaranteed funds, since the bank will only issue the check with available funds (meaning it has to be paid for with cash or purchased at the person's bank, where the bank can verify there are sufficient funds in their account to cover the amount of the check). If you are the payor (the one paying by check), the bank can trace the check for you if the person to whom you were paying loses it or says they never received it. Also, if the check does get lost, it will be far more difficult for someone to forge their signature to it and cash it. Also, a cashiers check does not have as much personal identification on it like a personal check does (address, checking account number, etc.).
The Payer of a check is the person who is paying money for the check. That is the person who has issued the check. For ex: I owe you $1000 and I give you a check for it from my bank account, I become the payer of the check and you will become the payee.
The payer is the person that is paying a sum of money to the payee. The payer signs the check and the payee is the person who cashes the check.
The normal method of paying taxes is to mail a check to the address of the tax collecting agency. Don't forget to include your social security number.
The paying bank is the bank on which the check is written.
The Patient paying the physician's bill with a "bad check".Patient paying the physician's bill with a "bad check."
The usual method of paying child support is by income withholding. There's nothing wrong with paying in advance, but let the custodial parent know what you're doing and DO NOT send the payments to her - make your payments by check to the State Disbursement Unit or to the courts.
Yes; the usual method of paying child support is through income withholding.
When a check is written on a bank account, the banker at that particular bank is the paying banker. They are responsible for paying the check when a customer presents it for payment. A collecting banker collects the checks for his customers from a paying banker.
First check to see if the valve for the water supply is turned on. If that isn't the problem you may need to replace the tank water valve, they do wear out and are not that expensive or difficult to replace.
Its where u put who ur paying
check your answer
A collecting banker's protection consists of the check he collected is a crossed check, he collected the check only as an agent, and he collected it in good faith. For a paying banker, his protection is that the signature is verified and the check is genuine.
you dont.
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