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This is not a good idea. You need your own insurance policy. There are coverages you do not have by being on your parents policy. You want to be a "named insured". This means that you control the policy and not your parents. If you want to loan your car to anyone you can, if you are on your parents policy you cannot do this. Also if you need to rent a car, you are not covered under your parents policy to do this. You would be under your own policy. Contact your insurance agent for a better explanation.

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Q: Is it possible to have your name on your parents insurance policy if the car loan and the registration are in your name?
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How do you find status of policy to settle estate?

The status of a policy can be had by browsing the Insurance Company's portal,if you have prior registration, or you can visit the Insurance Company's office for status of your policy.

What are the key features of a private placement program?

With a Private Placement Insurance Program, the life insurance is sold apart from the typical formal security registration, and therefore can be tailored to an individual policy holder.

How much is life insurance bought in 1995 worth today?

Usually - as much as it was agreed upon at the time when the insurance was bought. When we buy an insurance policy, a maturity value is usually mentioned in the policy document. So, in all probabilities your insurance policy is worth as much as mentioned in the document. Also, since it has been 17 years since the policy was taken, it is possible that the policy has expired or lapsed. In that case, the policy is worthless today.

Can you own a life insurance policy on your married son and his wife?

Yes, parents and children have an insurable interest, so you can have a life insurance policy on your son and daughter-in-law. If they both happen to die prematurely and minor children will become your responsibility, then life insurance is not only justified, but needed.

If you are a co-signer on a car loan for your son do you have to be listed on the insurance policy?

Most likely not. The purpose of a co-signer is when someone has "insufficient credit" to finance a vehicle someone else has to be on the application so in the case the main buyer messes up, the person cosigning will also be held responsible. In terms of insurance, as long as he has his own license and his name is on the registration, he can have his own insurance policy.

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How do you find status of policy to settle estate?

The status of a policy can be had by browsing the Insurance Company's portal,if you have prior registration, or you can visit the Insurance Company's office for status of your policy.

Can you take out insurance on parents?

You may take out an insurance policy on your parents if you have power of attorney over them.

Where can one find student insurance?

If a student is on their parents insurance they should stay on it as long as possible. However, the student's parents should check with their policy as to what benefits are available if the student does not stay in the local area. When a parent's insurance policy is not an option one can check with the school they plan to attend. Most schools offer student insurance. Another option would be for the student to purchase their own health insurance policy.

How do you change the registration address on the car insurance policy?

Contact your insurance company and supply them with your current address. That address should match your car registration as well as your driver's license.

How can i find out who my car insurance is with?

Look for your car insurance policy. Also, that information should be included on your car's registration form.

Do you have to be added to your parents insurance policy if you are primary driver of one of their vehicles and you have insurance policy of your own?

yes, simple as that.

What are the benefits of universal life insurance and what are the possible drawbacks of this type of policy?

What are the benefits of universal life insurance, and what are the possible drawbacks of this type of policy

Can a car registered in MN be insured in IA?

No it must be covered by an insurance policy valid in the state of registration.

Can you use your parents' insurance policy to cover a car that's in your name?

Insurance Coverage on a Parents policy? Yes, So long as you are also listed by name as a covered driver on your parents Policy and your parents have an insurable interest in your vehicle. If you are a minor or a dependent still living at home then you might be able to get insurance cheaper through your parents than you could seperately. You "by name" would need to be added along with your vehicle to your parents policy to be an insured driver.

In an accident who is liable the 18 yr old driver or the parents who own the car and insurance policy?

parents if the insurance is under their names