A fixed income annuity is a type of insurance contract where the insurance company makes payments of a preassigned amount to the holder of the annuity, the annuitant.
fixed annuity
There are many types of fixed annuities and they may all vary. In general an annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company. You agree to put funds into the annuity and they guarantee that your funds will grow at a certain rate, as determined usually yearly, for a certain period of time. Once that time passes and when you are ready to withdraw your funds plus any growth the insurance company agrees to pay you that amount of money either in a lump sum, systematic withdrawals, or over a period of time or for your lifetime.
A fixed annuity is invested with the insurance co who then invests in a variety of things. All you need to worry about is that with a fixed annuity it is all guaranteed and there is zero risk. Currently you can get a guarantee of 6% interest for 10 years at a period of time when banks and the FDIC are failing and the market is down. Insurance companies are your safest bet as they know how to manage risk.
They are both good invesment instruments when used for the right purposes. Both are insurance policy contracts with distinctive features and differences.
A fixed income annuity is a type of insurance contract where the insurance company makes payments of a preassigned amount to the holder of the annuity, the annuitant.
A fixed income annuity is a type of insurance contract where the insurance company makes payments of a preassigned amount to the holder of the annuity, the annuitant.
A fixed annuity is an annuity that pays a fixed amount of interest, defined by the terms of the contract. It is comprised of the money that you put in and the interest the insurance company provides in exchange.
With a fixed annuity, you're giving your money to an insurance company in return for a fixed interest rate. It is the company that decides how to invest that money. You as the owner, does not pick any funds.
fixed annuity
I found different sites with definitions for annuity variables. Investopedia states that an annuity variable is, "an insurance contract in which, at the end of the accumulation stage, the insurance company guarantees a minimum payment. The remaining income payments can vary depending on the performance of the managed portfolio." (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/variableannuity.asp#axzz1bw9FbZ8G)
A retirement annuity provides a regular income stream during retirement, typically purchased from an insurance company. As a pensioned insurance owner, it means you receive fixed payments for life or a specified period, depending on the terms of the annuity contract. It helps supplement your pension and ensures financial stability in retirement.
The definition of fixed immediate annuity is the contract that you agree on with an insurance company. They are usually purchased with large lump sums of money by investors in order to pay for expenses over a long period of time. In exchange for this lump sum premium, the insurance company pays you a monthly income for as long as you live. http://www.themoneyalert.com/ImmediateAnnuity.html
An annuity rate is basically the rate at which you will pay a fixed amount to someone, usually when referring to insurance. In order to know your own rate, you will need to check the contract you signed, or at least call the company or person you are paying.
There are many types of fixed annuities and they may all vary. In general an annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company. You agree to put funds into the annuity and they guarantee that your funds will grow at a certain rate, as determined usually yearly, for a certain period of time. Once that time passes and when you are ready to withdraw your funds plus any growth the insurance company agrees to pay you that amount of money either in a lump sum, systematic withdrawals, or over a period of time or for your lifetime.
A fixed annuity is invested with the insurance co who then invests in a variety of things. All you need to worry about is that with a fixed annuity it is all guaranteed and there is zero risk. Currently you can get a guarantee of 6% interest for 10 years at a period of time when banks and the FDIC are failing and the market is down. Insurance companies are your safest bet as they know how to manage risk.
"An annuity lead is a contract made between the buyer their insurance company, insuring them future payments in exchange for a fixed sum of money. It is basically one prospect in life insurance, to ensure a person can keep on getting a stable income, such as in retirement or as a result of a lawsuit."