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The Power of Attorney has a fiduciary duty to the grantor. If they mismanage funds or make poor decisions they can be held liable.

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Q: Is a POA deemed liable
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Can POA agent be respossible for principal's depts?

The Power of Attorney is not personally responsible. If they have mis-managed the funds, they could be held liable to the grantor of the responsibility.

Are you financially liable if you accept Power of attorney over a distant relative?

No. A POA gives you the authority to act for them on their behalf and at their direction. It creates no liability on your part unless you misuse it.

Does having power of attorney for someone incarcerated make you financially liable?

You are not personally responsible for any debts or obligations incurred by the incarcerated person. HOWEVER, the POA makes you a 'steward' of that person's property and if you squander or 'waste' it while administering it you could be held liable.

Can a power of attorney have a criminal record?

Used HOW ? An individual, whether they have POA or not, cannot appear instead of, or testify on behalf of, another person.This question is not complete , as POA holder get certain right gain from person who signed POA. In criminal case accused is liable for number of things, and these liabilities are absolute . POA gives certain right to advocate so advocate is competent to take some action on behalf of accused, entire liability remains with accused no transfer or delegation is possible.

What does POA stand for?

Price on application (POA)

Can a POA sue a person even if the person who assigned POA is dead?

No. A POA expires when the principal dies.

Can a POA for someone endorse a check for them and then deposit the check into the POA's account?


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You would be liable for damages if you did something outside your scope or something that was deemed inappropriate. Good Samaritan Laws are in place in most states to protect civilians when performing First Aid.

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The population of Poa Department is 30,406.

When was Poa palustris created?

Poa palustris was created in 1759.

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Poa diaboli was created in 2003.