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Yes, you do. The question would then be, to whom do you owe that debt? There could well be a new company that bought the assets, good will and debts of the company that went out of business and they will still want that money, and the charge off will still stay on your credit report, as it reflects an unpaid and ignored debt that had to be charged off. Most especially since it is a mortgage debt.

In the end, you took the money for the second mortgage and you signed a legal contract to repay that money. Not withstanding that the company that paid you money for the second mortgage went out of business it is very likely that there will be a new, or possibly combined business of the old company and a new company that "owns" that debt, and they may contact you to see if an arrangement can be made to pay the debt off, (chances are very good that the company that issued the second mortgage tried repeatedly to contact you prior to charging off the debt).

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Q: If your second mortgage was charged off and the company went out of business do you still owe that debt?
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Can a mortgage company sue for the entire amount of a second mortgage after foreclosure even though they received money to cover the first and some of the second after the sale of the property?

First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.

What is corp adv fee?

These are any costs that a mortgage company has incurred in the collection or servicing of a mortgage. An example of a corporate advance fee would be if the second mortgage company makes a payment to the first mortgage company.

What happens to the first mortgage when the second mortgage forecloses?

AnswerThe first mortgage would have the first position on the lien. So if the second mortgage company foreclosed on the property - they would sell the property and the sale proceeds must go to pay off the first mortgage company first. Then, if there is anything left over, that money goes to the second mortgage company.For example, there is a first mortgage of 100,000 and a second mortgage of 40,000. The property is foreclosed and sold for 125,000. The first mortgage gets paid off (100,000) and the second mortgage company gets the remaining 25,000.The property owner still owes the second mortgage company the other 15,000.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not true. Maybe different laws in different states but here the 2nd mortgage foreclosure sale does not directly effect the 1st mortgage. It remains a lien.

Can a second mortgage company buy the first mortgage and foreclose?

Yes, a financial company can purchase the lien on your mortgage and then foreclose on your property if you have not made sufficient payments.The second mortgagee can also foreclose on the second mortgage and take possession of the property subject to the first mortgage. In that case, the lender would have to pay off the first mortgage before it could keep any proceeds from a sale of the property..

Can you have 2 mortgage loans through same mortgage company?

Yes. Your mortgage company may hold your first (or primary) mortgage as well as a second which may be represented as a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit.

Related questions

Can a mortgage company sue for the entire amount of a second mortgage after foreclosure even though they received money to cover the first and some of the second after the sale of the property?

First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.

What is corp adv fee?

These are any costs that a mortgage company has incurred in the collection or servicing of a mortgage. An example of a corporate advance fee would be if the second mortgage company makes a payment to the first mortgage company.

What happens to the first mortgage when the second mortgage forecloses?

AnswerThe first mortgage would have the first position on the lien. So if the second mortgage company foreclosed on the property - they would sell the property and the sale proceeds must go to pay off the first mortgage company first. Then, if there is anything left over, that money goes to the second mortgage company.For example, there is a first mortgage of 100,000 and a second mortgage of 40,000. The property is foreclosed and sold for 125,000. The first mortgage gets paid off (100,000) and the second mortgage company gets the remaining 25,000.The property owner still owes the second mortgage company the other 15,000.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not true. Maybe different laws in different states but here the 2nd mortgage foreclosure sale does not directly effect the 1st mortgage. It remains a lien.

Can a second mortgage company buy the first mortgage and foreclose?

Yes, a financial company can purchase the lien on your mortgage and then foreclose on your property if you have not made sufficient payments.The second mortgagee can also foreclose on the second mortgage and take possession of the property subject to the first mortgage. In that case, the lender would have to pay off the first mortgage before it could keep any proceeds from a sale of the property..

Can you have 2 mortgage loans through same mortgage company?

Yes. Your mortgage company may hold your first (or primary) mortgage as well as a second which may be represented as a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit.

What steps are involved in getting a second mortgage?

One first must understand the components required in the mortgage. Then, one can talk to a professional from a bank or mortgage company. Through this professional, one can learn how to fill out the required paperwork to get a second mortgage.

If you have a second loan on your mortgage can you refinance on just the primary loan?

Normally you can. You will have to get the Lender on the Second Mortgage to "SUBORDINATE" the loan for you. They may charge a small fee to do so. Your Title company can help you.

What could happen if you have 2 mortgages on the same property and you only default on the smaller of the 2 mortgages?

A mortgage is a promise that you make to the lending company. You promise them that if you don't pay back the loan, then they can have your house. It's no different for the second mortgage except that if you fail to pay either bank, and they both want your house, then the first mortgage holder always wins. If you default on your second mortgage..then they have the right to foreclose and sell your property BUT they have to pay the balance on your first off. If you defalut on your first mortgage then they will give notice to your second mortgage company and give them the option to "accelerate " the mortgage and they can foreclose..but if the second does not then the first mortgage can foreclose and sell your property and only pay the second off if there is enough money from the sale. It really doesn't matter if the mortgage balance is the "smaller" it is who is recorded in first & second lien position.

Where can one find information on taking out a second mortgage with companies?

A person can find information about taking out a second mortgage with a company from several different places. Some of these places include Zillow and Bankrate.

Why might a homeowner take out a second mortgage?

A homeowner take out a second mortgage if they are struggling to pay off their first mortgage. You can read more at -

What are some options for a business to finance a commercial building?

There are many options for a business to refinance, you could take a second mortgage or refinance the one you have.

How binding is a second mortgage made through individuals and not a mortgage company?

If the mortgage is recorded at the county recorders office, it's just the same. Why, are you trying to get out of a promise that you made to pay back a loan?