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It CAN have a positive effect, but it also depends on the rest of your credit report. Leaving a small balance is advice often given to people who are looking to establish credit: borrow money, pay most of it, but show that you can make payments responsibly by making payments on a small balance.

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Q: If you leave a little of your credit card balance unpaid each month will it have a positive effect on your credit rating?
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What is balance transfer credit card?

A balance transfer credit card is offered when a business lets you transfer the balance from your old credit card to a new credit card with little to no cost. It's often much cheaper than getting a new credit card from a large or expensive business.

What are the advantages of a credit card free balance transfer?

There are many advantages to a credit card free balance transfer. With this option, one has the ability to save tons of interest with no fees or sometimes very little fees.

Why score goes down after paying a charge off?

I know it sounds a little goofy but, your credit score is based on your credit history. Once you pay something off your credit history is completed for that particular account so your score drops a little. Having said that, I certainly don't recommend that you keep a lot of bills open just to keep your credit score high. A credit card where you maintain a small balance with most of the credit line available and paying your utilility, phone and rent or house payment on time or a little early will keep your credit score pretty healthy.

What are credit purchases?

credit purchases are goods that you buy on credit and and pay little by little to pay to the person you owen.

Does Bank of America offer interest free credit cards?

No bank offers a credit card with NO interest. However, many banks offers no or low interest balance transfer offers, where you take a balance from one card and transfer the amount to new card with no or little interest, but only for a certain time, usually around 6 months.

Related questions

What is balance transfer credit card?

A balance transfer credit card is offered when a business lets you transfer the balance from your old credit card to a new credit card with little to no cost. It's often much cheaper than getting a new credit card from a large or expensive business.

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Why did this ruling have little positive effect?

President Jackson did not enforce the ruling

What are the advantages of a credit card free balance transfer?

There are many advantages to a credit card free balance transfer. With this option, one has the ability to save tons of interest with no fees or sometimes very little fees.

Why That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

It has a little of both but it's more positive.Why its positive is because you can learn new things

Why did the ruling in Worcester v. Georgia have little positive effect?

President Jackson did not enforce the ruling.

How do you develop positive credit history?

Use credit and pay on time. Source it from those that report otherwise it will do you no good. Use as little of your available credit as possible. Sign up (free) on credit sesame and they will give you more tips and your fico for free.

Effect of credit reference bureaus on bankruptcy laws?

Very little. Credit bureaus, really only being research libraries of information, much of which is available other places but gathered in one spot for members, really have little or no involvement with bankruptcy Actually, other than producing a proprietary service they sell called a credit score, they have very little interest in credit matters. They don't really extend any.

Why score goes down after paying a charge off?

I know it sounds a little goofy but, your credit score is based on your credit history. Once you pay something off your credit history is completed for that particular account so your score drops a little. Having said that, I certainly don't recommend that you keep a lot of bills open just to keep your credit score high. A credit card where you maintain a small balance with most of the credit line available and paying your utilility, phone and rent or house payment on time or a little early will keep your credit score pretty healthy.

Already paid off everything on my credit from all three bureaus and no one told us that this actually lowers your score and not raise it so what is the best way to raise a credit score quickly?

Put a little on your cards. A big part of your score is balance-credit ratio.

If you just turned 18 how long will it take to build your credit score enough to buy a car?

i'm 19 and have almost perfrect credit. just get a credit card buy little thingsthat you know you can pay off and pay more than your minimum balance on time for the trest of the year and yiour credit will be built.

What are credit purchases?

credit purchases are goods that you buy on credit and and pay little by little to pay to the person you owen.