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Try your bank to see if they offer a secured credit card. Bank of America offers a secured Visa and the credit line is equal to your deposit amount. Beware of secured cards with high interest rates and fees!

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Q: If you just filed for bankruptcy and you need a credit card where can you go?
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If you file bankruptcy will that remove a charge off report from a credit card?

Filing bankruptcy does not remove a charge off report from a credit card on your credit report. It just adds bankruptcy to your credit report.

Is it possible to just declare bankruptcy on credit cards?

You can declare bankruptcy due to credit card debts, yes.

If credit card puts lien on house and i file bankruptcy can i still file the credit card in the bankruptcy?

You have to, it is a is just a secured the lien on the property.

If you have a credit card and use it just before filing bankruptcy can a creditor deny your bankruptcy?

If you are on the brink of bankruptcy... you probably can't get a credit card. Opps... didn't read that right. Sorry. I really don't know.

If you are a co-borrower on a mortgage and the other co-borrower has just filed bankruptcy will this affect your credit rating?

Yes. I co-signed for an auto loan and the other borrower filed bankruptcy without notifying me. I was in the process of buying a home and before I went to settlement they pulled my credit again and her bankruptcy came up - preventing me from getting the house. So yes it will affect your credit because it will show up on your credit report that that person has filed for bankruptcy.

How soon will a bankruptcy discharge show on a credit report?

The bankruptcy itself will show up on reports very soon after it is FILED. The discharge itself is not reported, just the public record of the bankruptcy itself.

How hard is it to get a mortgage after chapter 13 discharge?

If you have just filed bankruptcy, you will not be barred from ever obtaining a mortgage loan; however, you will not be able to get one immediately. When you can get a mortgage after bankruptcy will depend upon the type of loan you want, the type of bankruptcy you filed, and how good your credit is at the time you want the loan.

What is more credit damaging Bankruptcy or settling a credit card debt?

Bankruptcy would be more credit damaging than just having large credit card debt, mainly because it stays on your credit report for longer. One of the biggest disadvantages of filing for bankruptcy is the lasting effect it has on your credit report- typically staying on your report for 7-10 years. With credit card debt there are more flexible options and obviously when you pay the debt and does not stay on your report for as long.

Filed for bankruptcy 8yrs ago and not credit card since should I get credit card now to esatablish credit score and how long will it take to build this up to be able to remove bankruptcy from credit?

Normally the bankruptcy will remain on your report for 10yrs. The longer it is on your report the less impact it has on your score, although still an eye soar to potential creditors. I would recommend establishing one or two cards to build up your credit. Orchard Bank and First Premier are two of the easiest approval cards. Also, I would recommend establishing a secured loan with a small credit union that report to the 3 credit agencies. On the credit card(s) try to keep the balances below 35% if the credit line. A good credit score is also based on various types of credit, not just revolving credit (Credit Cards).

What will your credit score be after bankruptcy is discharged?

It depends on what your credit score was before your filed bankruptcy. If your credit score was low before your filed bankruptcy, then after your bankruptcy is discharged, if you send a copy of your Schedules and Discharges records to all three credit bureaus; Trans Union, Experian and Equifax and ask them to zero out all the past due balances now that you do not owe them anymore then your credit score will more than likely be higher than before you filed. Also, your bankruptcy filing is picked up under the Public Records section of your credit report, however, after 12 months the scoring models do not pick up the bankruptcy anymore so it does not effect your score. It is visible on your report for 10 years after a chapter 7 and 7 years after a chapter 13, but not in your score. It is a good idea to open up an account after your bankruptcy discharges so your scores will continue to go up. If you open a credit card, just make sure you do not go over 30% of the limit, and pay it off every month. You can go to for step by step instructions on how to handle your credit after a bankruptcy.

Can getting a credit card improve credit score after bankruptcy?

Yes, if you use it properly. Just getting one and doing nothing doesn't really help.

Has geritom medical filed for bankruptcy?

Geritom Medical, Inc in MN has not filed for bankruptcy. we just hired more pharmacy techs. this past week.