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If the vehicle is repossessed the borrower will be responsible for the deficiency between the sale of the vehicle and the balance of the loan. If an equitable payment agreement cannot be reached by the lender and borrower, the lender can file a lawsuit for monies owed and if successful execute the judgment against any non exempt property belonging to the debtor.

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Q: If you have a secured loan such as an auto loan can the finance company attach any other property?
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IS rental judgment a secured claim?

No, but if there is an execution, it can be levied on any property of the defendant, usually a motor vehicle or real estate. Then it is secured to the extent there is any equity for it to attach to.

Can the creditor attach or 'take' other property to satisfy deficiency?

James, don't know what state you are in But unless your state prohibits it, YES. The lien will "attach" to the property and when she gets ready to sell it, lien will have to be satisfied first. NO.They can only go after what property was secured by the loan.

What can a credit card company attach if a judgment is found in their favor?

Any assets you have such as property, automobiles, bank accounts or wages.

When can a lien lead to foreclosure?

A real estate lien creates a secured debt by providing the lender or creditor holding the lien with a security interest in your property. Although your mortgage lender attaches a lien to your home as a matter of course, any other real estate liens that attach to the property do so because of debts you left unpaid. In certain situations, property liens can result in foreclosure.

Can a telephone company attach lines to your property without your permission?

If the telephone company has a recorded easement against your property, they may install telephone lines to the extent allowed by the easement. You can find out whether there is such an easement against your property by looking in the title insurance policy you received when you bought your property. If you see a telephone easement listed, you can get a copy of it at your county courthouse. If you don't see any telephone easements in the policy, or have questions about the extent of such easements, call the title insurance company.

How can a company place a lien on a house when a roofing company doesn't pay it's bill?

Not sure that you can go to the roofing company's customer. Most roofing companies buy supplies in their own right, and may have incorporated, protecting their personal property, if they default. You will do better to try to attach the company's assets.

Do you have to have to have permission to put up a free standing lean to shed against a neighbors garage?

Absolutely yes. You have no right to attach anything to your neighbor's property and will be held liable for any damages thereto.Absolutely yes. You have no right to attach anything to your neighbor's property and will be held liable for any damages thereto.Absolutely yes. You have no right to attach anything to your neighbor's property and will be held liable for any damages thereto.Absolutely yes. You have no right to attach anything to your neighbor's property and will be held liable for any damages thereto.

Does the IRS claim property you have inherited when they have frozen a bank account?

When you inherit property, it becomes your property. The IRS will attach liens or garnishments on such property, including inheritances.

How do you attach another company to your existing one?


Judgments - can a judgment be filed on a gifted property?

Yes. Your ownership status is just the same as if you had bought the property. Any legal judgment against you can attach to the property.

Can a property lien br transferred to the next property?

Generally, a lien usually stays on the property against which it was recorded. The exception is state and federal tax liens which attach to after-acquired property.

Can repo company attach a lien on real property?

State laws vary but generally, a creditor can sue the debtor in court for any deficiency after the repossession and if successful can obtain a judgment. The creditor can then request a judgment lien from the court and once recorded in the land records the lien will attach to the debtor's real estate.