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Not as long as you don't default in the payments.

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Q: If you have a credit card with a balance and you haven't used it in a year and cancelled it would that have a negative affect on your credit rating?
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Will having a negative balance in an unused checking account affect your credit rating?

No, having a negative balance in an unused checking account will not directly affect your credit rating. However, if you fail to pay off the negative balance and the account is sent to collections, that could potentially have a negative impact on your credit rating.

When does accounts receivable have a credit balance?

If an account has a credit balance the customer must have overpaid on their account or a credit was issued by the company and posted to the customers account, resulting in a credit or negative balance.

If you close a credit card will it hurt your credit?

It will not affect your credit if you pay off the balance when you close the account.

Why is my credit sweep collected balance negative?

You need to contact

What does a negative number on a balance mean?

There is a credit due back as a refund.

What does cancelled by credit grantor mean?

Cancelled by credit grantor means that your credit card account was closed by the creditor. This means that it was cancelled by the person extending you credit, rather than being cancelled by you.

After paying off a credit card balance how much does your credit score go up?

it will go up by 10 to 50 points depending on the amount owned and cancelled. You can further improve it by continuing to use the credit card, and paying the balance in time.

How does the ratio of credit limit to your balance affect your credit?

I know this much: Your balance-to-limit ratio is 30% of the criteria that credit bureaus use to generate your credit score. That's a large chunk.

In what ways can a negative credit report affect your financial goals?

Refinancing can affect your credit report, and excessive shopping can also hurt it too.

When does debit balance in account payable?

As accounts payable has a credit balance as normal balance so it has credit balance until not paid but it may have debit balance as well in case when payment is made for more than actual accounts payable which create negative balance or debit balance.

Once you pay off a high balance on a credit card how soon will that affect your credit score?

Once you have paid the credit card balance off it will affect your score the following month. This is because the credit agencies only update your credit once a month. So the month following the payment would reflect the new balance of $0 and the score would be raised at that time.

If a credit card was charged off 5 years ago and has since been sold to 4 collection agencies and each has reported it as bad debt do all 5 reports affect your credit or is it seen as one trade line?

All 5 reports affect your credit. Companies look at the number of negative reports on a persons credit. The number of reports will affect your credit score. Companies do this in order to: a) Get their money b) basically persuade you to pay the balance.