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if you consolidated your student loans, generally the third credit bureau will find the information depending on which agency the student loan organization send their information directly to. you can notify the bureau directly, but, make sure the information you want them to update is accurate and favorable to you and your credit first. sometimes, what they don't know won't hurt them, see?

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Q: If you consolidated your student loans but only two of the three credit reporting agencies reflect it is there any way to get the information updated with the third agency?
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When does a market behave inefficiently?

Market inefficiency occurs when prices do not reflect the most accurate information available. One example of this is in online trading. There is often a lag between when prices change and the trader receives the information.

How does credit score rank?

Thisquestion is unclear to me,so I'll try to answer the one I think you are asking. What is the range of credit scores (numerically) and how does a consumer rank within that range? There are three different credit reporting bureaus. They each collect information differently. The range of scores is as low as 350 and as high as 850. These numbers reflect, to a fairly accurate degree, a consumer's level of financial risk as perceived by a risk manager. The lower the score, the higher the risk and vice versa. Typically a risk manager will pull all three reports and average thescores to arrive at a fair evaluation based on all the available information.

What is Four principles of finance?

1. Money has a Time Value 2. There is a Risk-return trade off 3. Cash flows are the Source of Value 4. Market Prices reflect Information

Is it better to short sale a house or refinance to get credit in good standing?

It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.It's better to refinance. A short sale will reflect negatively on your credit record.

What is an efficient market and what are the implications of efficient markets for us?

An efficient market is the one that has stock prices which reflect al the information that is relevant and available. The implications of efficient markets is that they clearly advise on the investment options one has in terms of stocks and shares.

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