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Bankruptcy only temporarily prevents foreclosure action. A house is considered secure property so it is up to the lender as to what action will be taken, foreclosure or reaffirmation of the loan. The bank would pursue foreclosure and not wage garnishment. If you're in a house you can't afford any longer, sell it. Too many homeowners wait too long. Don't wait for the bank to foreclose.

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Q: If you are not able to make your house payment do you have to file bankruptcy or will the bank foreclose on the house and not garnish your income?
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You can file bankruptcy at any time you like, but I will tell you that bankruptcy court does not have the authority to drop the taxes. The IRS or State may allow a payment plan instead of allowing them to begin confiscating property. You will still have to pay the taxes due and it may be to your benefit to work out a payment plan directly with tax department and not have to pay the legal and court fees involved with the bankruptcy.