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Yes, you can have as many loans at as many banks as will give you credit. "Student Loans" are simply loans that have an additional requirement that you attend school while the payment portion is deferred. Of course you will have a tough to impossible time getting a second bank to give you a loan because they would want to understand why you did not go back to the original student loan bank.

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Q: If you already have a student loan with a bank can you get another student loan with another bank at the same time?
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If you are already running a loan, then you can take a loan from another bank not from the same bank. If still you want a loan from same bank, then you can get on your parents name.

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What is loan boarding?

when a loan is been transfered fron bank to another. . .the bank which the loan is transfered to board the loan. .

What is needed to apply for a Bank of America Student Loan?

To apply for a Bank of America Student Loan one needs proof of identity details and their student registration details for the college they are attending. One can apply online.

How does one qualify for a Bank of America student loan?

Currently, Bank of America no longer offers federal student loans.

Which bank specialize in student loan refinance?

You should look to your local banks to find out which to student loans refinancing. You could also look at Citi bank that does student refinancing, Wells Fargo also does student loan refinancing too.

How might one go about finding out information about a Bank of America student loan consolidation?

One can find information about a Bank of America student loan consolidation by asking a Bank of America representative at the nearest bank branch. These loans will most likely be handled in conjunction with the college that the student is attending.

Where can one get a refinancing student loan?

There are three ways one can get a refinancing student loan. These places include a student's current lender, a local bank, and the U.S. Department of Education's Direct Loan Program.

What is the statute of limitations on having to pay a bank Back for a student loan?

Most student loans have no statute of limitations, even if issued by a bank.

How money deposit in the bank should i have in order to get the F1 student visa And can i get a loan if i don't have?

In general you will need to have $20,000 or more in the bank in order to get the F1 student Visa. You can get a loan in your home country if you do not have the money.

What is the best student loan?

It depends on where you are. In some countries, there is only one real 'student' loan; in others they are just another form of standard loan.

Where can one receive a student loan?

One can receive a student loan from a local bank, government, organizations and companies. Some of the useful websites with information about student loans are Excite, Student Aid and Simple Tuition.