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nope because i dont owe him money nor do I even know the two of you.

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Q: If owe a friend money can he take you to court?
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Can a bank take you to court if you owe money?

Yes, you can be sued if you owe money.

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They take you to court

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Yes. If you owe them they can go to court to get the money.

How can you collect if you own your home with someone else and they owe you money?

Ask them for the money that they owe you, or take them to small claims court. Good luck and God Bless:)

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Not unless you don't have enough money to pay.

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No one can simply take money from you. If you owe money to anyone and fail to pay it back then that person or organisation needs a court order.

What to do if you have to go to court for a vechicle repossession?

Pay the money you owe

Can they sue you if you only owe 1000.00?

Not knowing who "they" are. It is difficult to answer. Anyone can take you to court and sue you for money owed. This is our legal system at work.

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hire a prostotute to posin them

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It means you owe them twice the amount

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You owe money

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No-If they gave it back it is now a civil matter and they must take you to court and get a judgement. They cannot take your car--that would be theft