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His estate will be responsible for the mortgage. Assuming the wife is not on the deed, if the mortgage isn't paid the bank will foreclose and take possession of the property covered by the mortgage. If the wife is on the deed and she consented to the mortgage the bank can foreclose. If she is on the deed and did not consent to the mortgage then the bank had a defective title and may not be able to foreclose.

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Q: If a husband dies will a wife be responsible for the mortgage debt even if she is not on the note?
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The mortgage should be paid by the remaining estate. If there is not enough cash left to pay off the mortgage, the house can be sold and the mortgage paid at closing, or if the mortgage is assumable, the son may take on the mortgage as his own debt and keep the house.

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When someone dies, any debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (the money and property they leave behind). You're only responsible for their debts if you had a joint loan or agreement or provided a loan guarantee - you aren't automatically responsible for a husband's, wife's or civil partner's debts.

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The husbands estate is responsible, but not the wife directly. The amount of the husbands debt will be subtracted from his assets after his death. His wife will usually inherit what is left, unless the husband left other instructions in his will (ie leave everything to charity). If the husband dies and his debt is larger than his assets, then the creditors usually lose the difference. This is all handled through probate court, and a judge can choose who gets what.

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Only if your wife leaves the house to you as an inheritance are you legally responsible for her mortgage upon death.