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First find out exactly why your score is 595 and try to increase it, I like Phil Turner's Credit Bible for information on increasing your credit score. Paying off your car loan would proably reduce your score in the long run because of the type of credit is necessary to a great score. There are many ways to build your credit score. Below is a way of interpreting your credit score. Given the current credit score stats, how does this relate to your own personal score? Generally, if your score is higher than 660, you will be considered a good credit risk. If your score is below 620, then you might have a tougher time getting a loan. The following ratings explain the impact of the different score ranges: * 720-850 - Excellent - This represents the best score range and best financing terms. * 700-719 - Very Good - Qualifies a person for favorable financing. * 675-699 - Average - A score in this range will usually qualify for most loans. * 620-674 - Sub-prime - May still qualify, but will pay higher interest. * 560-619 - Risky - Will have trouble obtaining a loan. * 500-559 - Very Risky - Need to work on improving your rating. Again, if you want to learn more about credit scores and how to improve yours: Take a look at Phil Turner's Credit Bible. You should find valuable information on fixing and improving your credit.

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Q: I have a car loan that has been paid on time for the past 3 years. My credit score is 595. I have 1 year left to pay and I do not have anymore debt. How much will my score go up monthly?
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How many years does it take to clear a bad credit score?

This varies depending on what you do about it, you can enroll in Credit Card programs that allow you to quickly rebuild your credit score. Paying off overdue payments helps. Creditors will tell you it takes an average of 7 years to return to a good score that might be something like 650 or higher but that's not necessarily true keep payments up most Credit card companies offer you a smaller monthly payment once you've begun to fall behind even a lower monthly premium if you are willing to contact them and work out a deal.

How long will a foreclosure be on your credit report and how will it effect your credit score?

A foreclosure can stay on your credit report for over ten years. It will have a significant and negative impact on your score.

Is credit consalidation bad for your credit score?

Yes it is! A credit consolidation is a bad credit item which ultimately lowers your credit score. It remains in your creditreport till 7 years and constantly affects your credit scores and your credit worthiness.

How many points will be deducted from a credit score for a repossession?

a lot and it will hurt your credit for 7 years

How to clean up credit report after bankruptcy?

Keep in mind that a bankruptcy will affect your credit score. What you must do now is add good credit e.g. secure credit cards and maybe a secure loan will increase your credit score within 2 years. Your credit scrore primarily judge consumers on what they have done within the last two years. If you add good credit, your score will increase.

Related questions

How many years does it take to clear a bad credit score?

This varies depending on what you do about it, you can enroll in Credit Card programs that allow you to quickly rebuild your credit score. Paying off overdue payments helps. Creditors will tell you it takes an average of 7 years to return to a good score that might be something like 650 or higher but that's not necessarily true keep payments up most Credit card companies offer you a smaller monthly payment once you've begun to fall behind even a lower monthly premium if you are willing to contact them and work out a deal.

How long will a foreclosure be on your credit report and how will it effect your credit score?

A foreclosure can stay on your credit report for over ten years. It will have a significant and negative impact on your score.

Is credit consalidation bad for your credit score?

Yes it is! A credit consolidation is a bad credit item which ultimately lowers your credit score. It remains in your creditreport till 7 years and constantly affects your credit scores and your credit worthiness.

How long after bankruptcy does your credit score start to improve?

After 7 years, you can start rebuilding your credit.

How many points will be deducted from a credit score for a repossession?

a lot and it will hurt your credit for 7 years

How will a short sale effect your credit score?

A short sale can have a negative impact on your credit score because it indicates that you were not able to repay the full amount of the mortgage. It may lower your credit score by several points, depending on your current score and credit history. However, the impact may be less severe than a foreclosure.

How to clean up credit report after bankruptcy?

Keep in mind that a bankruptcy will affect your credit score. What you must do now is add good credit e.g. secure credit cards and maybe a secure loan will increase your credit score within 2 years. Your credit scrore primarily judge consumers on what they have done within the last two years. If you add good credit, your score will increase.

Does looking at your credit score affect your score?

No, in fact Congress passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act a few years ago that allows you to check your score for free. Wouldn't that be a bummer if they dinged you for checking your score?

Can your credit score go up if your charge off is dropped after 7 years?

I just need to know what happens to your credit score after a charge off has been dropped past 7 years.

What does a credit score of 552 mean?

If you've got a credit score in this range, there is no question that your credit score is in need of serious credit repair. Credit scores in this range are just flat out bad. You're clearly paying higher interest rates and making credit mistakes that will impact your life for years to come.

How can you get an 850 credit score?

In order to get a credit score of 850, one has to do the following: * Have carried (and paid off) an auto loan and a mortgage loan * Only have one (1) credit card which is used on a monthly basis but does not get used beyond 20% of the maximum credit line (around credit reporting time) * Have lived at the current address for more than five (5) years * Have worked at the current employer for more than five (5) years * Have never missed a payment, charged off a loan or ever been late * No bankruptcy

Will your credit score go up when a bankruptcy comes off?

Yes, a Bankruptcy is one of the most damaging accounts which can show up on a credit report. The good news is that after 2 years, the account doesn't impact your credit score as much. Once it is deleted, your credit score is improved.