

Best Answer

If your lender has a judgment against you, you may be subject to garnishment. However, your question doesn't suggest you are in default. As long as you are paying your debts, you have no need to worry.

I agree with the previous that your question is very disjointed and position difficult to interpret.

Trying to explain for you: About the ONLY time your 401k would be subject to any possible garnishment/seizure is if you DO withdraw it. Otherwise, it is protected from most all actions, even loss or use in your own bankruptcy.

However, your student loans are not able to be discharged, even in bankruptcy and will be subject to all types of collection efforts, including from things like SS benefits, by the government.

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Q: I am 62 years old having Federal student loans worth 50000 and am not working If I withdraw my 401 K savings for personal expenditures and not leave it in bank would there be a garnishment issue?
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Can wages be garnished in Pennsylvania?

State law does not allow wage garnishment for creditor debt. It does allow garnishment for child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), federal and/or state taxes; and in some instances judgments pertaining to personal injury and/or property damage.

What is the maximum wage garnishment in the State of Alabama and would is a garnishment dischargeable in bankruptcy?

The state uses federal garnishment guidelines which would be a maximum of 25% of disposable income with the first $154.50 of weekly salary exempt from garnishment. The 25% only applies to creditor garnishment, it does not apply to court ordered child support, tax arrearages, and in some cases spousal maintenance or personal injury awards. Garnishment for those issues can be as much as 50% depending upon the circumstances and the decision of the judge. Wage garnishment for creditor debt can be eliminated in bankruptcy. Garnishment for the other issues cited such as child support cannot.

What percentage from each check can someone garnish?

The maximum under federal law is 25% of disposable income. If the state in which the garnishment is executed has a lower percentage of wage garnishment than 25% that is the one that is assessed.

Can a lender garnish your wages after a voluntary repossession in Georgia?

Yes, if the lender wins a lawsuit judgment they can execute the judgment as a wage garnishment. Georgia follows federal garnishment guidelines of a maximum of 25% of disposable income with the first $154.50 (weekly based) being exempt from garnishment action. A valid garnishment is generally imposed until the debt is paid.

What is the maximum percentage allowed for wage garnishment in credit card debt?

Federal garnishment law allows up to 25% of disposable income be garnished. However, every state has laws controlling wage garnishments, the majority are more favorable to the debtor. Some states do not allow garnishment of wages at all. In any case, the debtor is allowed to choose whichever law (State or federal) that gives them the most protection. There is also the right to appeal if the debtor can prove the amount of the garnishment causes an "undue hardship". This option does not apply if the issue is child and/ or spousal support

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Can wages be garnished in Pennsylvania?

State law does not allow wage garnishment for creditor debt. It does allow garnishment for child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), federal and/or state taxes; and in some instances judgments pertaining to personal injury and/or property damage.

What has the author Amorette Nelson Bryant written?

Amorette Nelson Bryant has written: 'Complete Guide to Federal and State Garnishment' 'Federal and state garnishment' -- subject(s): Assignments, Attachment and garnishment, Law and legislation, Payroll deductions, States, Wages

What is the maximum wage garnishment in the State of Alabama and would is a garnishment dischargeable in bankruptcy?

The state uses federal garnishment guidelines which would be a maximum of 25% of disposable income with the first $154.50 of weekly salary exempt from garnishment. The 25% only applies to creditor garnishment, it does not apply to court ordered child support, tax arrearages, and in some cases spousal maintenance or personal injury awards. Garnishment for those issues can be as much as 50% depending upon the circumstances and the decision of the judge. Wage garnishment for creditor debt can be eliminated in bankruptcy. Garnishment for the other issues cited such as child support cannot.

Would a state or federal garnishment be less as applied to a student loan in New York state?

The maximum federal garnishment is 25% the maximum NY state garnishment is 10% (this does not apply to child support or spousal maintenance). Therefore the state garnishment would be the lowest, but if the student loan(s) are federally subsidized the law may allow for the higher federal garnishment to be used depending upon the person's financial status. Such issues as being disabled, head of household, and so forth would be a factor in the percentage of garnishment allowed.

Can you still get federal financial aid after a wage garnishment?

If you are still in default on a federal student loan, no.

What are the top ten expenditures of the federal government and the amount?

yee haw!

What is one of the largest Federal Budget Expenditures?

Social Security

Can a lender (a bank/mortgage co.)garnish federal retirement funds ?

Federal retirement funds are exempt from garnishment except if the garnishment is coming from any branch of the federal government. Why don't you offer a reasonable settlement and see if the bank is willing to work with you.

Can your check be garnished to pay a medical bill if you only work part-time?

Maybe. Federal or state law determines the percentage of wage garnishment. Under federal law the maximum garnishment is 25% or 30 x minimum wage/$382.50 with the first $217.50 of disposable income being exempt. If the state where the garnishee resides has a garnishment percentage less than the federal allowance, (many do), that will be the maximum amount subject to garnishment.

A federal budget deficit exists when?

The federal government purchases exceed net taxes.

Wage garnishment in Louisiana?

Federal loan, federal law. They can garnish 25% without even taking you to court.

Secede means to .?

To withdraw membership from an alliance, federal union, political or religious organisation