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The organisation is monitored and yearly graded statistically by central government (DFE) Also by Benchmarking data which are submitted to NCOGS and the DFE yearly.

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Q: How your organisation compares to other organisations in the sector?
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What is the quinary sector?

It is the fifth sector that maybe dependant from the other four industrial sectors(primary,secondary,tertaiary)which may be higher up in organisations i.e. government and not for profit organisations.

What are the roles of an accountant in a public sector organization?

In a public sector organisation, the rold of an account is similar to an accountants role in any other organisation. It Involvs: If the account method practiced is manual: Journal Entry ledger posting Trial balance, Profit and loss account Balance sheet reporting the management about the financial position of the business Management reporting Budgeting Maintaining accounting standards Maintaining accounting records It the organisation has a software (automatic method of accounting)then: Database management management reporting Budgeting Auditing

Why you study management?

management is art it give you skill to make work done by other is art and science both.You will learn about the importance of human and labour factors in organisations including the structure, design and culture of organisations; management theory; policies and practices; and employment relations issues, Studying Management as a postgraduate discipline is not only for those who want to be a manager. Management may interest you because you want to understand how an organisation works. At postgraduate level, you will learn about leadership roles and how people function in organisations

What are the disadvantages of public sector banks?

Disadvantages of public sector organisationInefficiency results due to the size of the organisation.There is a lack of incentive for employees to perform if there is no share in the profit or there is an absence of other motivators such as productivity bonuses - accelerated promotion; (this factor can also apply in the private sector if the employee is not given any incentive to perform).Losses must be met by the taxpayer.Political interference can occur.They interfere with the free market forces.There may be difficulties in finding someone to deal with complaints, though this factor is applicable to any large organisation.

How is finance different from other departments?

Finance is the blood of the organisation & without proper arrangement in finance department no other department function properly. Thus finance is the base of any organisation to run the industry

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What is outbound organisations?

out bound organisation is a organisation from an other country

What is the quinary sector?

It is the fifth sector that maybe dependant from the other four industrial sectors(primary,secondary,tertaiary)which may be higher up in organisations i.e. government and not for profit organisations.

How do you identify colleagues within own and other organisation?

identify colleagues within own and other organisations

What is new about the Yar'adua seven point agenda that is outside the 2008 budget?

Vision: Defines where the organisation wants to be in the future, what it wants to become. Mission: Defines what the organisation is doing now - desscribing its purpose, operations and scope - to distinguish it from other organisations. A mission statement is what the organisation is all about: * What we do * Who we do it for * How we do it (better than other organisations) * It gives a sense of purpose * Promotes a company image * Is a statement of the organisation's values, culture and ethics * Is a guide for strategic direction Your mission statement should be relevant to all stakeholders: * Customers * Employees * Shareholders

How many private sector employees?

Sir, I am working at private sector organisation in last 13 years my payment is Rs.8550.00 only no other benefit. can you tell me how much money got to me the gratuity ? ..

What are the goals of a department secretary?

Two ways to read this: The first being: the secretary of a department in an organisation: their goals would be efficient organisation of business needs i.e. Administration The second: The secretary of a governmental department i.e. in the UK; the Secretary of health is responsible for legislation relating to the NHS and other health organisations

Where do organisations within the Voluntary Sector make their money?

Organizations within the voluntary sector typically generate income through donations, grants, fundraising events, membership fees, and partnerships with businesses or other organizations. Some organizations also provide fee-based services or products to generate revenue.

What is the contribution of india in IT sector?

Well, India being a country with highly skilled software professionals, is complying with requirements of U.S., U.K., and other European countries of various I.T. Project and Site related jobs. Since the cost of remuneration to IT professionals is much cheaper compared to U>S> and other developed countries, jobs are being outsourced here in India specially in Bengalaroo for mutual benefits. Now, the I.T. sector is meeting the internal demands of various government and semi government organisations,private organisations successfully.

What is the difference between private sector organization and public sector organization?

Public Sector = Government regulated organizations owned by shareholders as listed through a stock exchange. "Public" because of the access available for public purchase or trade shares. Private Sector = Privately owned companies (mostly small businesses) run by an individual or small group instead of shareholders. Such companies are unregulated by federal authority and make up the majority of labor forces in most countries.

What is the role of Industrial Psychology in India?

The role of industrial psychology is to improve the organisation & other we can help the people to come out of the strees from work sector by giving our ideas to over come into bright future

How is the EU similar to the US in Ireland?

The EU is an organisation which has 27 different independent countries as members. Ireland is one of those. This is different to the United States, where the 50 states are all part of one country. None of the US states are countries, and the USA is not an organisation. In the same way that Ireland is a member of the EU, the USA is a member of a number of organisations which have different countries as members, like the United Nations and NATO. There are many other organisations around the world which have independent countries as members.

What are the roles of an accountant in a public sector organization?

In a public sector organisation, the rold of an account is similar to an accountants role in any other organisation. It Involvs: If the account method practiced is manual: Journal Entry ledger posting Trial balance, Profit and loss account Balance sheet reporting the management about the financial position of the business Management reporting Budgeting Maintaining accounting standards Maintaining accounting records It the organisation has a software (automatic method of accounting)then: Database management management reporting Budgeting Auditing