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The house that is already foreclosed is a public record which means that you'll be able to find the foreclosure at the registry of deeds in your jurisdiction.

If the foreclosure has not been completed you may find a notice to foreclose in the public records. However, in many cases the notice is all you will find. Lenders often hold back on recording a foreclosure until the property has been sold.

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Q: How would you know if the house is under foreclosure?
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Who is responsible for a mortgage payment when both parents are deceased Are we the adult children responsible for making those payments or can we foreclose?

WoW if the payment isn't made then guess who will come and take the house We do not want to keep the house, nor live in it. We are paying the mortgage payments and trying to sell the house, however in this market, it's not likely. At this point we just want to get rid of it. Trying to find out if our credit would be ruined or if we would be held financially responsible if the house foreclosed. ============================================================= These issues issues are the responsibility of the executor(s) of the estates of the deceased persons. If the executor(s) has/have not retained a lawyer, that is the first step in the process. Foreclosure is an action taken by the lender when payments are not made. The lender launches a legal proceeding to take over ownership of the property. The asset (the property) could be lost if nothing is done to prevent foreclosure. ___________________________________ I know what a foreclosure is...I am wondering if me and my sister would be held financially responsible for any outstanding moneys/debts on the house when it forecloses. I also am wondering if our credit would take a hit if we decided to do a short sale or foreclosure?

How do you know if your business needs to be licensed and bonded in foreclosure cleanups?

All businesses need a business license for foreclosure cleanups. Generally you do not need to be bonded, but you will need the general liability insurance. Go down to your local city or county offices and apply for a business license, they are usually under $100 to get one. The banks also require this and general liability insurance to perform foreclosure cleanup services for them. There is a Foreclosure Cleanup Business Start up training guide that provides step by step foreclosure cleanup startup information, we got it when we started our Foreclosure Cleanup Business from the website above and was very helpful, it includes the hud guidelines, you will definitely need these to know how to price your foreclosure cleanup jobs accurately and a complete bank contact list of banks and reo asset management companies hiring foreclosure cleanup vendors so you can sign up directly with the banks to start getting foreclosure cleanup jobs. I would also recommend joining the Foreclosure Cleanup Network, there is alot of free information on there for the Foreclosure Cleanup Business and you can get work from the Reo agents on this site. And it's all free. Good luck. Check with a lawyer and the local authorities.

Does a pending short sale stop foreclosure?

ProTitleUSA will help you in this matter on a professional level!

Can your wages be garnished if in foreclosure?

Banks can not garnish a homeowner's wages during the foreclosure process. This is because the real estate is collateral for the loan. Thus, the bank will have to take the property all the way through the foreclosure and have it sold at a county sheriff sale. This is the legal mechanism by which the bank is allowed to attempt to recover the amount it is owed on the loan. If the sheriff sale pays off the mortgage in full, there is nothing further to collect. If the property does not sell for enough to pay the loan off completely, some states allow mortgage companies to sue for a deficiency judgment after the foreclosure. Again, not all states allow this under the foreclosure laws, but it would give banks the right to garnish wages after the foreclosure, if they decide to sue for the judgment. Banks rarely, if ever, sue former clients for deficiency judgments, though, because they know foreclosure victims do not have a lot of extra cash to pay down another judgment after losing their homes. It would take the bank too much time and money to sue again, when they didn't collect very much on their original foreclosure lawsuit.

How do you know what constitutes a foreclosure?

Your first notification should be from your lender notifying you that forclosure proceedings have been filed. All states have very strict laws on how notice of foreclosure is given. This sometimes is a plus in staving off foreclosure, which is not as 'cut and dried" as some believe it to be.

Related questions

How do you know when your house is in foreclosure?

You will be informed by the mortgage company or bank.

How do you know if a house listing is in foreclosure?

You find out if a house is in foreclosure when it up for sale by calling the housing agent. They should be able to provide this info to any interested buyers.

Will a loan modification application stall foreclosure proceedings?

I know of people who applied for the modification but all the while the mortgage company proceeded with the foreclosure. So, yes they still will foreclosure apparently. Its like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. the individuals that I know had to file chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop the foreclosure sale from happening

Who is responsible for a mortgage payment when both parents are deceased Are we the adult children responsible for making those payments or can we foreclose?

WoW if the payment isn't made then guess who will come and take the house We do not want to keep the house, nor live in it. We are paying the mortgage payments and trying to sell the house, however in this market, it's not likely. At this point we just want to get rid of it. Trying to find out if our credit would be ruined or if we would be held financially responsible if the house foreclosed. ============================================================= These issues issues are the responsibility of the executor(s) of the estates of the deceased persons. If the executor(s) has/have not retained a lawyer, that is the first step in the process. Foreclosure is an action taken by the lender when payments are not made. The lender launches a legal proceeding to take over ownership of the property. The asset (the property) could be lost if nothing is done to prevent foreclosure. ___________________________________ I know what a foreclosure is...I am wondering if me and my sister would be held financially responsible for any outstanding moneys/debts on the house when it forecloses. I also am wondering if our credit would take a hit if we decided to do a short sale or foreclosure?

Can someone be placed under house arrest without being aware of committing a crime or notified of committing one?

Not in the United States. First you have to be charged, which at that point, you obviously know you are being charged. Then, arraigned, where you plead and request bail, which at that point, they may put you under house arrest. But my point is, you have to be charged and then arraigned to be placed under house arrest, so there is no way you would not know of this.

How do you know if your business needs to be licensed and bonded in foreclosure cleanups?

All businesses need a business license for foreclosure cleanups. Generally you do not need to be bonded, but you will need the general liability insurance. Go down to your local city or county offices and apply for a business license, they are usually under $100 to get one. The banks also require this and general liability insurance to perform foreclosure cleanup services for them. There is a Foreclosure Cleanup Business Start up training guide that provides step by step foreclosure cleanup startup information, we got it when we started our Foreclosure Cleanup Business from the website above and was very helpful, it includes the hud guidelines, you will definitely need these to know how to price your foreclosure cleanup jobs accurately and a complete bank contact list of banks and reo asset management companies hiring foreclosure cleanup vendors so you can sign up directly with the banks to start getting foreclosure cleanup jobs. I would also recommend joining the Foreclosure Cleanup Network, there is alot of free information on there for the Foreclosure Cleanup Business and you can get work from the Reo agents on this site. And it's all free. Good luck. Check with a lawyer and the local authorities.

How can I know whether my house is under surveillance?

Look outside

What is the time frame between foreclosure and sheriff sale?

The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.The foreclosure process culminates with the foreclosure sale. In some jurisdictions the sale is conducted by a sheriff. One can say the foreclosure has been done when the sheriff's sale has been conducted. There is no time frame between the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale.If you want to know the time frame between the initial notice to foreclose and the foreclosure sale, you need to check in your particular jurisdiction. Times vary.

How do you buy foreclosure house?

I will answer the question in point form:- # Identify a foreclosure # Study the foreclosure # Get yourself prepared with financing # Contact an agent # Make an offer. It's important to research the historical prices. Also be sure to check on IRS liens and other liabilities. If a home is in foreclosure, it probably means the owner has other financial issues. Lets take this matter into our own hands. If you are facing foreclosure, let us know. if you want to be notified about foreclosures in your area, lets us know. The National Foreclosure Alert Project is a grass-roots organization dedicated to 'getting the market moving'. You can help:

When is it smart to file bankruptcy?

When you are beginning to feel overwhelmed with debt, you are being threatned with being garnished, or you are being garnished. You have judgments, you are up for repo, your house is in foreclosure, you will know when it's time.

Do you know who is qualified to answer foreclosure questions truthfully?

Jurors are people who are qualified to answer foreclosure questions truthfully. Not only will they do it, but they have to. They are sworn to answer truthfully about qualifications for the case.

Would you believe a family if they say there is a poltergeist in your house?

No, I would not believe them. I live in my house and I would know if there was a poltergeist sharing it with me. If 'they' say there is a poltergeist in my house, I would believe that 'they' have an over active imagination (some people do you know).