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identify and report deviations

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Q: How would you identify and report deviations and what is the significance of deviations?
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It would be useful to know what the deviations were from.

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A discrepancy report may be created by a business to try and identify the reason for any errors or imbalances in their company's financial accounts. By creating such a report, the company may be able to identify, for example, a shortfall in their figures and from this, identify the missing or incorrect figure causing this discrepancy.

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mingxinwrite。comFirst, you should take some time to prepare and plan for your report. Before you start writing, identify the audience. Your report should be written and tailored to the readers' needs and expectations. When planning, ask yourself several questions to better understand the goal of the report. Some questions to consider include: Who are the readers? What is the purpose of the report? Why is this report needed? What information should be included in the report? Once you identify the basics of your report, you can begin to collect supporting information, then sort and evaluate that information. The next step is to organize your information and begin putting it together in an outline. With proper planning, it will be easier to write your report and stay organized.

When computing the sample variance the sum of squared deviations about the mean is used for what reason?

You want some measure of how the observations are spread about the mean. If you used the deviations their sum would be zero which would provide no useful information. You could use absolute deviations instead. The sum of squared deviations turns out to have some useful statistical properties including a relatively simple way of calculating it. For example, the Gaussian (or Normal) distribution is completely defined by its mean and variance.

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About 81.5%

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What is the use of statistical mean in industry?

For different sets of data, the mean would be the summation of all observations, which are normally subdivided by the observation numbers. The mean value would frequently be quoted with standard deviations: mean would describe data central locations then standard deviations illustrate the spread. Substitute dispersion measures include mean variations that are always equal to average absolute deviations from the mean values. It is minimally responsive to the outliers. Hope this helps.

How do you multiply standard deviations?

Multiply them as you would any two numbers. However, you should note that the standard deviation of a product of two variables is not the product of their standard deviations. That is, SD(XY) ≠ SD(X)*SD(Y)

How do you identify foetal sex in scan report?

I assume you mean ultrasound. If the ultrasound gets a good look at the genitals they can often tell the gender. If this is the case it should say so plainly on the report. There is no set format for these reports that would allow me to tell you exactly where to look.

What would -2 standard deviation below the mean be?

It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.

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