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If you pay the loan installments on time every month, it should have a good effect on your credit, provided it is an installment repayment and not a revolving repayment. The only way that revolving debt improves your credit standing is if it is not carried for more than 29 days. In other words, if you pay the complete balance of your credit cards and revolving accounts (IE credit lines ect).instead of letting them remain outstanding for more than a month at a time, that is ideal for your credit standing- very few of us have the good sense to do this, but it will improve your score very quickly.

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Q: How will a Loan affect credit?
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Any default on any loan will damage your credit in the future.

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if you obtain a credit card with a high limit it will not affect your credit as long as the card is in good standings .. however if the card is maxed out it could affect your credit score wich will intern stop you from getting a loan. although it may not stop you from getting your loan but it will affect your interst rates

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Any loan will affect one's credit score. It will impact regardless of how the loan is received. Information can be found on various websites to calculate.

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It will appear as an obligation and as such limit the amount that will be considered for total monthly payment. No I don't think it will affect your your credit score.

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Multiple inquiries will not affect your chances, the only way it would affect you getting a home loan is if your credit score was impacted. Be careful with applying for credit cards, the inquires affect your score negatively.

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A refiannce loan will not affect your credit rating. Debt consolidation loans will and you will want to stay away from these. When refiancing, be sure that your prior loan was satisfied in full by your new lender to avoid any problems.

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Trading in a car does not affect your credit unless you sign a new car loan and get a new car. This may negatively or positively effect your credit.