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Generally you should be able to purchase real estate as soon as the decree has been entered. However, since laws vary in different jurisdictions, you should check with the attorney who represented you in the divorce. You should also take care that you aren't using funds you didn't disclose in the divorce proceeding.

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Q: How soon can you purchase real estate after a divorce?
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The decedent's estate must be probated so that legal title will pass to the heirs.If you are an heir the title will pass to you legally as soon as the estate has been probated. If you are someone interested in buying the property you can purchase it from the estate representative who has been appointed by the court (after they obtain a license to sell real estate) or from the heirs after the estate has been probated.The decedent's estate must be probated so that legal titlewill pass to the heirs.If you are an heir the title will pass to you legally as soon as the estate has been probated. If you are someone interested in buying the property you can purchase it from the estate representative who has been appointed by the court (after they obtain a license to sell real estate) or from the heirs after the estate has been probated.The decedent's estate must be probated so that legal titlewill pass to the heirs.If you are an heir the title will pass to you legally as soon as the estate has been probated. If you are someone interested in buying the property you can purchase it from the estate representative who has been appointed by the court (after they obtain a license to sell real estate) or from the heirs after the estate has been probated.The decedent's estate must be probated so that legal titlewill pass to the heirs.If you are an heir the title will pass to you legally as soon as the estate has been probated. If you are someone interested in buying the property you can purchase it from the estate representative who has been appointed by the court (after they obtain a license to sell real estate) or from the heirs after the estate has been probated.

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"Real soon" is not grammatically correct. It should be "really soon" or "very soon."

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When was Real Soon created?

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Can your grandmother sell you her house for a dollar before she enters a nursing home?

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