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The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows a bankruptcy to show for 10 years from the "date of entry of the order for relief or the date of adjudication". This refers to the legal item which appears in the public record portion of a credit report. Any tradelines that were included in bankruptcy, which are the accounts listed in the report, will be shielded from view after 7 years.

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Q: How soon after your chapter 7 is discharged will it be removed from your credit report?
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How do get a discharged chapter 7 removed from your credt report?

You cannot get it removed from your credit report. It will be on your credit report for 10 years and it will affect your ability to get loans and other type of credit accounts.

How can you get your chapter 7 bankruptcy off your credit report?

It should rotate off of your credit report about 7 years after being discharged. It cannot be removed.

When will a 1999 discharged bankruptcy be removed from a credit report?

It should be removed from the credit report in 2009. A bankruptcy remains on a credit report for ten years from date of discharge.

Will a credit score change when a discharged bankruptcy is removed from the credit report?

Yes, but only after the bankruptcy is removed from your credit report - which can take over ten years from the discharge.

How do you remove liens or judgments once your chapter 13 is discharged?

You cannot have liens or judgments removed unless you write the credit bureaus and give them a copy of your discharged bankruptcy. Some liens and judgments will not need to be paid but will still remain on your credit report.

If you and your husband recently had your Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharged how long will it take to reflect on your credit report score?

10 years before the Chapter 7 is removed. It will decrease your scores dramatically to 400s to 500s.

How long does it take after a bankruptcy is discharged to show on your credit report?

The amount of time a bankruptcy stays on your credit report after discharge differs between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 stays on your credit report for 10 years. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, after discharge, it shows for 7 years on your credit report.

Can a creditor report you as late to the credit bureaus after you file Chapter 7 but before the debt is discharged?


Can a bankruptcy entry on a credit report be removed when the bankruptcy was discharged in 1999 and it is listed on the credit report as 2006?

No, it cannot be removed but the information can be amended to read correctly. A bankruptcy discharge remains on a credit report 10 years from the date of discharge.

Can bankruptcy be taken off your credit report if the bankruptcy was dismissed through the courts?

Bankruptcies are a matter of public record and this is why they appear in credit histories. A Chapter 13 listing will remain on your credit report for seven years from the filing date and a Chapter 7 will remain on the credit report for 10 years from the filing date. The credit report entry will state the bankruptcy was filed and dismissed, not discharged.

How can you get a bankruptcy removed from equifax when it has been removed from the other credit bureaus?

If you have checked your report from Equifax and a discharged bankruptcy is on there, you can simply write to them with the amendments and they are obliged to correct their report.

How long does it take for the accounts to come off your credit report after being discharged from bankruptcy chapter seven?
