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A private company is funded by its own profits, through bank loans, and through a relatively small number of owners or share holders.

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Q: How private company are funded?
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Features of private sector?

They are funded by the owners or shareholdersThey have limited liability if they are a limited company such as a LTD and they have unlimited liability if they are a sole trader or partnershipLovee from Mr. Pickles ;)

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Most schools, unless private, are funded through state and federal educational funding.

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lots of presidents are funded by private buisnesses, and they also are funded by their followers.

Who was henry hudsons employer?

Henry Hudson's expeditions were funded by different companies. The first two expeditions of 1607 and 1608 were funded by the English trading company named the Muscovy Company. The third expedition in 1609 was funded by the Dutch East India Company.