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Three months from the date of cheque

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Q: How old can the check be in order to cash it?
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Where to cash a check from Deutsche Bank?

You can cash a check from Deutsche Bank at any bank. Typically you will need to cash it at the bank in which you do business and provide identification in order to cash a check.

Where can you cash an irs refund check over 30 days old with no bank account?

Where to cash a check thirty days old

Can you cash a check that is over a year old?

No, you cannot cash a check that is one year old. In most cases, a check that is six months old is usually stale. This therefore means that the check cannot be cashed.

How do you cash a check issued in your old married name?

You can always cash a check that is issued in your maiden name or your old married name. You can carry proof that you are indeed the person to whom the check was issued (A marriage certificate with your old married name on it) and visit the bank and explain them the situation. They will be able to cash the check for you.

Can you cash a check that is 4 years old?

If it is a check that you get from your job maybe. But if it is a personal check no.

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Can it cash a Western Union money order

When can checks be made payable to Cash?

A check made out to cash is "bearer paper" it can be cashed by anyone who holds it. An equivalent bearer check is, "Pay to the order of a happy birthday" written on the front, or, "Pay to the order of Congratulations on graduating." Your check is the same as cash, so to prevent theft while waiting to cash the check, sign the back, "Pay to the order of (your name)". You will then have to produce identification to cash the check as it is now an "order instrument" cashable (or assignable) only by you. You do not have to go to any particular bank, even if your name isn't "cash". As for depositing it to your account, just sign the check (your name) and deposit it as you would any other check"! !

A request to the bank not to cash a check is a?

a stop payment order

How do you know if your postal order has been cashed?

how can i check if my postal order has been cash

What is the biggest reason to NEVER write a check with cash in the pay to the order of line?

If you write "cash" on the pay to line, ANYONE can cash the check even if it's not the person you intended to get the money.

Can you cash your check online?

No. Checks are paper instruments are cannot be cashed online. You need to visit your bank branch or an ATM in order to cash the check.

What is the reason to never write a check with cash in the pay to order of line?

It is not a good idea to write a check with "Cash" as the payee because if you or the payee lose the check, anyone could pick it up and cash it, and the bank would not be responsible for the lost funds, since making a check payable to "Cash" essentially allows anyone holding the check to cash it.