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If you are an authorized user of another persons credit it has no effect on your credit at all. It will not raise nor lower your score. The credit card company simple issues you a card with your name on it and then holds the person who holds the credit with them responsible for any charges you make.

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Q: How much would it raise your credit scores if you were added as an authorized user on a credit card?
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How to quickly raise credit scores?

To quickly raise your credit scores you should pay off your credit cards, or get a credit card if you don't already have one.

Where can I find credit counseling to raise my score?

Credit counseling does not always work and may actually make your credit score worse. There are no quick fixes to raise credit scores and just pay your bills.

What are some good ways to raise a credit score?

Credit scores can be raised by being responsible with credit. Credit card bills should always be paid on time. Debt reduction can also raise a person's credit score.

What type of credit card to become an authorized user to help raise credit score?

Having an authorized user card does not help the authorized user's credit bureau score. ie) if I had good credit and I gave someone an authorized user card, that person's purchases would be on my statement and I would be responsible for the other person's purchases. If I don't pay for the other person's purchases, it would reflect on my credit bureau negatively as not paying on time and be charged interest.

How can I raise my credit score?

It is so important to maintain a good credit score, and if you need to raise your score, there are a variety of ways to do so. Here are a few sites that can provide you with great advise for improving our credit score:

Related questions

How to quickly raise credit scores?

To quickly raise your credit scores you should pay off your credit cards, or get a credit card if you don't already have one.

Where can I find credit counseling to raise my score?

Credit counseling does not always work and may actually make your credit score worse. There are no quick fixes to raise credit scores and just pay your bills.

What are some good ways to raise a credit score?

Credit scores can be raised by being responsible with credit. Credit card bills should always be paid on time. Debt reduction can also raise a person's credit score.

What type of credit card to become an authorized user to help raise credit score?

Having an authorized user card does not help the authorized user's credit bureau score. ie) if I had good credit and I gave someone an authorized user card, that person's purchases would be on my statement and I would be responsible for the other person's purchases. If I don't pay for the other person's purchases, it would reflect on my credit bureau negatively as not paying on time and be charged interest.

Where can I go for some information on getting the best credit ratings scores?

You can check your personal credit score at and it will also give you some more information about how good your score is compared to other scores, and what you can do to keep it up, or raise it.

How can I raise my credit score?

It is so important to maintain a good credit score, and if you need to raise your score, there are a variety of ways to do so. Here are a few sites that can provide you with great advise for improving our credit score:

How does Lexington Law improve credit scores?

Lexington Law improves credit scores by identifying and disputing inaccurate or questionable items on credit reports, such as errors or outdated information. They work with credit bureaus and creditors to address these issues and help clients establish positive credit behaviors. Over time, this can lead to an increase in credit scores.

How can I get my credit score to 310?

It depends on what your credit score is currently at. Credit scores below 475 are considered bad or no credit. That can be achieved by failing to pay credit card bills & loans and is definitely not recommended. If you are trying to raise your credit, take out a secured credit card.

Does filing bankruptcy raise your credit score?

In some cases, it actually does. This really depends on a lot of factors and variables, but I have seen credit scores increase 100+ points after filing a bankruptcy.

How does having a repossession removed from your credit report affect your credit?

Anytime a negative item is removed from your credit report, it will raise your credit score unless new collections are added to your report.

How fast and how many points can you add on your credit score?

Credit scores normally range from 330-830. The only way to raise your score positively to continue to pay all bills on time and keep your debt ratio low. With a new credit card/loan it takes about 6 months of positive information to raise your credit score.

Will paying 3 year old debts increase your credit score?

No, not immediately. At first your scores will be lowered as you just gave a bad debt a more current date. If you are trying to raise your scores for a mortgage, I suggest you leave these alone til the mortgage closing and the two are paid then. If you are just cleaning up your credit, your scores will start to rise about 3 months after they are paid. The scores will go up every month after til you are at the level you should be depending on the open credit you have now