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What you can afford on rent depends on a wide range of factors. The following are some examples that will influence your options: existing debt, marital status, dependents, how the $200,000 was earned, where you live, etc.

With that in mind, my guess is $3,500 a month. Assuming you don't have any major write-offs, you'll probably only bring home half of that $200k (approximately $8k per month); this assumes you are employed by some entity that deducts taxes directly from your wages. On the other hand, if you have your own business and generate the $200,000 in cash, you may underpay taxes, and hence you may be in a position to take home more than half of that $200,000 after paying your taxes, which may put you in a position to spend significantly more on an apartment.

Without more information, it's hard to give a straight answer. On the other hand, if I had to guess, I would say that $3,500 a month is about right.

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