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Q: How much money does each bank hold on average?
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How much of each money denomination can the Zillionz ATM Savings Bank hold?

This savings bank does not hole much money - the smaller the coin the more it can hold. It will let you know when the bank is full. It's a great way to teach your kids how important it is to save money.

how do i get my money on hold in bank for unsecured loan?

I do not understand what you are trying to do. How is your money on hold at a bank? Is it in a longterm CD?

Can a bank hold more money than the levy requires?

Yes, a bank can hold more money than the levy requires. However, the particular bank must get an exception notice from the IRS.

What is the purpose of a national bank?

to hold peoples money.

Why Do You Need a Bank?

To loan money, To hold large amounts of money, To gain interest on your money

Can the bank that has a charge off on you hold a pay check you are trying to cash?

ABSOLUTLEY, they not only can hold the check, the bank can keep the money.

How many pounds can a money in the bank ladder hold?

750 Pounds

Which banks hold indian black money?

A Big Part Of India's Black Money Is Held By Swiss Bank.

How long does a large check take to clear?

It depends on your bank and how long they think they can hold YOUR money before you get upset and close your account and move your money to another bank. Don't forget that Bank of America's CEO Brian Moynihan stated that his bank has a right to earn a profit. They are in business to make money, which they do off of your money. And to provide customers with timely service is somewhat of an afterthought these days. The longer they hold your money, the more they can make.

If the school send refund check to student Wells Fargo bank account around 9am what time the bank will received it?

When a school sends money to a bank the bank usually gets it the same day. Sometimes the bank will hold the money a few days.

What does a bank give us when you leave your money there?

When you leave money with a bank, you are paid interest. Interest is a fee for the use of someone else's money and is usually a percentage of the amount on deposit. It is calculated and paid each month, week, or day on the amount on deposit because it is available to be loaned to someone else or to be used by the bank. Because of the current financial conditions, many simple bank deposit accounts are paying virtually no interest and are serving merely as a safe place to hold your money.

How do transfer money from Africa bank to American bank and if it is a deposit which state unexpressed transfer of funds what does that mean?

Hold on there Bucky! This sounds like a scam. Contact your bank for legitimate stuff. Nobody is going to send you money from Africa. But they will empty your bank account for you.