1 British pound sterling = 1.6161 US dollars
british pound value
$35.58 (1 British pound=$1.66 in US dollars)
£1 = Australian $1.53
1 British pound = 1.58814047 Canadian dollars (as of 2011-12-05). See related links for latest.
2 dollars
1 UK pound is equal to 1.60 U.S. Dollars.
1 British pound sterling = 1.6161 US dollars
british pound value
1 British pound = 1.5149 U.S. dollars
1 British Pound = 1.567 Australian Dollars 30 British Pounds-= 47.01 Australian Dollars
it equals about 1.6181 US dollars
2,666 American dollars was what 1 pound of gold was worth in 1849
1 dollar 20 cents
It is 57 cent.
$35.58 (1 British pound=$1.66 in US dollars)
A 1 pound turkey is about four dollars and fifty cents.