One Italian Euro is equal to $1.35 US dollars.
1 US Dollar = 0.65316 Euro 1 Euro (EUR) = 1.53102 US Dollar (USD)
There is no such thing as German dollars. In Germany, they use euro 1 euro = 1.41218 US Dollar 50,000 Euro = 70,609.0 US Dollar
About 75 cents of a euro.
$1.00 in US money is 0.7042 Euro in Germany. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.42 (or excactly 1.42005) in US money.
One US Dollar is equal to seventy-five hundredths of a Euro as of August, 2014. Conversely, one Euro is equal to one and thirty-three hundredths US Dollars.
on the 9th of January 2010 1 Euro is equal to 1.31 U.S Dollar.
One Italian Euro is equal to $1.35 US dollars.
1 euro =1.75$
Around 0.68 Euro
The current rate is .80 Euro to the US Dollar. That means that one Euro is equal to $1.24.
Um, depends what country you live in... Euro-$US=1.37265 Euro to $AU=1.60431 Euro to $NZ=1.81176 Euro to $HK=10.7406
It's 375,06 euro.
0.732 Euro is equal to 1 dollar so the Euro is worth more than a dollar.
1 euro is 1.48 dollars today Aug 21, 2008. Or 1 dollar is 0.67567 euros. So, you need for 300 euros 444 dollars. The dollar is weak.