One US dollar is worth about 6.5 Swedish crowns.
what is 5oo sedlabanki islands kronur worth in English money
As of 12Feb09 USD19.95 was worth USD13.90
88.6233 British Pounds
Go to England
he is worth 80000 dollars
One US dollar is worth about 6.5 Swedish crowns.
A pound *is English money.
what is 5oo sedlabanki islands kronur worth in English money
Ten rupees comes out to about 0.14 pounds (English money).
It would be £23,650,000 (2012)
A shilling of the time would equate to approximately 6pence in English money today. A crown, I think, was roughly equivalent to 50pence ...But I have no idea how many shillings or crowns constituted a pound. If you can find that out you can work out the answer.
There is no such thing as 'English money'. England uses Sterling, which is a British system.
By credits, I suppose you mean gold. Gold is the typical, the simple, money. You can get gold from (almost) any completed quests. You can also earn them by fighting bad guys, selling your stuff, and defeating bosses. If you are mentioning about Crowns, it's harder. Crowns are the exclusive, the special, money. You cannot earn them for free in the game, but you can purchase them in the Wizard101 store. You start off in the game with 75 crowns, but that is not really worth a lot, so if you want a lot of Crowns, you should buy them.
As of 12Feb09 USD19.95 was worth USD13.90