This depends on the daily exchange rate. At the moment 60K Euro equals around 81K (81,000) USD. On 11/12/10, 60,000 euros = 82, 045.79 US dollars. Use the link below for an up to date exchange rate.
1st year around 30K. 2nd year 60K and up from there....if you make it. Don't believe anyone that tells you 60K and above. That is only if you are lucky. Ask about expenses! 4lifeguild
It would you in a better financial position if you were to pay back all of your debt.
As of June 16, 2012, it would be 3,323,100 Indian Rupees
Try a lorry
60k a week
60K to mucH!!
Around $50-60k
60k a show
$60k/year, on average.