1 Japanese yen = 0.00762739826 British pounds
As at 09Jun10 JPY1m was worth GBP7,535.79
So to convert yen to pounds sterling either: 1.) multiply the number of Yen by 0.00657032873 or 2.) divide the number of Yen by 152.199386
1000yen is 5.86 pounds.
About £311 brittish pounds - depending on currancy rate at the time
1 Japanese yen = 0.00762739826 British pounds
As at 09Jun10 JPY1m was worth GBP7,535.79
As at 09Jun10 JPY1m was worth GBP7,535.79
So to convert yen to pounds sterling either: 1.) multiply the number of Yen by 0.00657032873 or 2.) divide the number of Yen by 152.199386
1000yen is 5.86 pounds.
1 yen = 0.009296 US$
Type in 600 yen to pounds on Google. Right now 600 yen = £4.47
It varies, but it's usually about 1 yen = 1 cent.
About £311 brittish pounds - depending on currancy rate at the time
Roughly 100 yen. Roughly 100 yen.
That's simple. 1 yen is worth 1 yen in Australia or anywhere else in the world.