So to convert yen to pounds sterling either: 1.) multiply the number of Yen by 0.00657032873 or 2.) divide the number of Yen by 152.199386
As at 09Jun10 JPY1m was worth GBP7,535.79
4800.... clam shells? Dollars? Euros? Yen? You need to be more specific.
1 Japanese yen is worth 0.00763 British pounds. Better, 1 Pound is worth 131 Yen.
10 dollars
So to convert yen to pounds sterling either: 1.) multiply the number of Yen by 0.00657032873 or 2.) divide the number of Yen by 152.199386
As at 09Jun10 JPY1m was worth GBP7,535.79
4800.... clam shells? Dollars? Euros? Yen? You need to be more specific.
0.50 what? cents? pounds sterling? yen? euros?
It is not possible to answer this question without further information. What are the units for 6.28 billion? US dollars, Japanese yen, Euros, or are they masses? Kilograms, micrograms?
1 Japanese yen is worth 0.00763 British pounds. Better, 1 Pound is worth 131 Yen.
10 dollars
$13.04500 billion