1US Dollar = 45.4 Indian Rupees
0.26 dollar is 150 rupees.
Its Around 750,00,00,000 INR
Depends on if it is Singapore dollar or US dolla or ...
1 crore is equivalent to about 10 million rupees, so in Canadian currency if 1 dollar is 40 rupees, then 250,000 Canadian is equal to one crore. 37.5 million dollars is about 150 crore.
1US Dollar = 45.4 Indian Rupees
0.26 dollar is 150 rupees.
Its Around 750,00,00,000 INR
Depends on if it is Singapore dollar or US dolla or ...
five hundred thousand pounds sterling
r 150
1 crore is equivalent to about 10 million rupees, so in Canadian currency if 1 dollar is 40 rupees, then 250,000 Canadian is equal to one crore. 37.5 million dollars is about 150 crore.
A computer card reader is available for a sum 0f 150-300 Indian Rupees (3-6 US $)
150 rupees in INDIA, 125 to 150 in AP state. RAJ
150 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 150 dollars!