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We the United States of America owe a total of $13,048,885,524,238 dollars,and 38 cents

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Q: How much does US owe in debt?
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What is a debt ceiling?

Debt ceiling is the limit on how much money the US Federal government can owe.

How much debt does the US owe china?

2 trillion dollars

How much debt does the UK owe?

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Are you debt free if you have a mortgage?

No. You are in debt as much as you still owe on the mortgage.

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How much debt does Africa owe?

$200 Billion

Can you challenge a debt?

Absolutely! It is your right as a US citizen to challenge anybody who says you owe them money. If they cannot produce the proof that you owe them that debt, then they cannot legally attempt debt collection on you.

Who else does the US owe money to besides China?

I think they owe money to pretty much every country in the world (sorry if this doesn't help). Heck, they probably owe money to you with the gov'ts debt in the trillions

How long would it take to pay off the US debt?

The U.S is aproximently $13,048,885,524, debt and it would take Samantha 400 years to pay it back to BenitoRead more: How much money does the US owe

Where do you find out how much do you owe?

I would like to know how much i owe on my bills and debt collection. Is there away that i could find out please.

Is it legal for a debt collector to refuse to respond to me and if so can they report my debt and lower my credit score if they won't disclose my debt information.?

No, a debt collector must legally tell you what kind of debt you owe and how much debt you owe. You can consult an attorney for more details.

How much debt does the us owe to the federal reserve?

Currently, around $8.333 trillion, which is about 72% according to: