50 Rupee is 90 cents in US currency.
about 270.00 Indian Rupee equals about 4.97 US Dollar
The Krone is not the type of money that India uses, the Rupee is. As of October of 2014, the current Rupee to Dollar exchange rate is 1 Rupee equals 0.016 USD.
USA dollar, Indian rupee.
About 0.02 US Dollars
46 cents
$1 = 47.93 Indian Rupee
The value of a rupee coin varies greatly. This is because coin collectors change their opinions of the details, mints, and strikes on a rupee which determine the value, but a 1919 rupee can be worth over $700.
50 Rupee is 90 cents in US currency.
about 270.00 Indian Rupee equals about 4.97 US Dollar
In 1917 one rupee was worth one rupee or one USD or one GBP or whatever.
1 rupee is worth 2 US cents.
The currency in India is the Rupee. The amount of 35 dollars is equal to 2101.93 Indian Rupee. India's money is controlled by the Reserve Bank of India.
A toffee maybe..or a chewing gum..not much.
1.00 INR=0.754315 PHPIndian Rupee↔Philippine Peso