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Q: How many years did the pilgrims have to work to pay back the money they owed for their voyage?
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What year did Jacques Cartier get back from his trip?

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How long did the pilgrims work to pay for their Mayflower voyage?

nthe Separatists contracted with a group of English merchants. The merchants recruited other colonists to supplement the small group & to provide needed skills for the new colony. The colonists agreed to send fish, timber and fur back to England for seven years to pay off their debts.

What document or contract did the pilgrims sign?

Found this answer on "We learned the value of education. The Pilgrims had a commercial contract with the Merchant Adventurers in London, who fronted them the money to come to America in return for the Pilgrims shipping back furs and lumber. The Merchant Adventurers kept the books, and hence the Pilgrims felt they were being continually cheated. So once the first couple of years had passed, they called to England for a schoolmaster, and set up schools for all children, where they would be taught "reading, writing, and the casting up of accounts." Ever practical, these Pilgrims, teach them to be accountants . . ."

A European explorer would like to launch a voyage to explore the Americas. He borrows money for his voyage from a banker and promises to pay him back with interest. This interaction is an example of w?

answer is: The european middle ages contributing the age of exploration

What holiday do you trace back to the pilgrims?


How long did Magellan trip?

The voyage that he took around the world was Three years but he expected it to be two years.

What effects did the failure of the pilgrims' second ship to be able to cross the Atlantic have on the pilgrims expedition?

The Speedwell was one of the two ships the Pilgrims sailed to America seeking religious freedom. However, the Mayflower was the only ship that successfully made the trip. On the first voyage, the Speedwell had to turn back to England because it was too leaky. Besides the fact that 20 people had to remain in England, the failure of the Speedwell did not have much effect on the Pilgrims' expedition because eventually they sailed to America successfully in the Mayflower.

Debt is settled can money be giving back if you file banruptcy?

No money is given back to you, and a bankruptcy stays on your credit for 10 years.

Was there more than one ship involved in the Pilgrims' travels?

Yes, there was more than one ship involved on the voyage to the new world for the Pilgrims. It was called the Speedwell which was bought in Holland for the voyage. Before the expedition on which the Mayflower sailed alone, the Speedwell had a terrible leak and both ships turned back (September 6, 1620). But on September 16, 1620, the Mayflower set sail for the new world with 102 passengers, including the ones which were scheduled to sail on the Speedwell. The Pilgrims traveled for 66 days until they had reached the Americas on November 21, 1620.