Todays exchange rate is: 47.39 Rupees to 1 Dollar
5.60 rupees
One billion dollars [1,000,000,000] in US currency would equal 46,180.000,305.18 Indian Rupees[INR].
50 cents
Enough to buy at least ONE dictionary, Raj. :-P
60.26 rupees is one dollar.
5.60 rupees
Currently (January 2011) one Singapore dollar is worth approximately 34 Indian Rupees. So: 13000 Rupees = (13000/34) Singapore dollars = 382.35 Singapore Dollars
One US dollar is equal to 58.36 Indian Rupees. Based on this conversion, 17 billion US dollars would be the equivalent of 992,119,981,245.25 Indian Rupees.
there are about 47 rupees per dollar so times 100 equals 4700 rupees
Currency Exchange Rate Conversion All here is based on daily conversion rates!
A rupee is currently worth about 2 cents. So 50 rupees equal one US dollar.
it = 45000 rupees.... 1 dollar = 45 rupees
1 billion is equal to 44680000000
Because of the constantly changing economic demands the monetary exchange rate is constantly changing. With that in mind, as of July 12th 2014, one US Dollar equals 60.03 Indian Rupees.
One billion Indian rupees is equal to 100 crores Indian rupees (on the short scale where 1 billion = 1000 million). A crore is equal to 10 million.