Todays exchange rate is: 47.39 Rupees to 1 Dollar
5.60 rupees
One billion dollars [1,000,000,000] in US currency would equal 46,180.000,305.18 Indian Rupees[INR].
50 cents
Enough to buy at least ONE dictionary, Raj. :-P
60.26 rupees is one dollar.
About 50.
90.35 Pakistani Rupees make one US dollar
57 rupees
60.17 Indian Rupees is one US Dollar.
1 U.S. dollar = 47.9501319 Indian rupees
On the 24th March 2013, it is about 54 rupees for 1 dollar :)
Todays exchange rate is: 47.39 Rupees to 1 Dollar
5.60 rupees
one dolllar isworth 900000000009999909090480980657687587.98098rupeess, as you can see it is very accurate