$1 (USD) = 0.6541 British Pounds Sterling. This exchange rate can (and does) fluctuate almost daily. Always check with your local financial institution for the latest rates.
£1.00 (British Pounds) = $1.44 (US Dollars)
1364832.00 US Dollar
1 US Dollar is currently worth 0.65 pounds, but this is always changing.
How many pounds that are in 1 dollar varies from one day to the next, depending upon the currency exchange rare. As of July 5, 2014, there is 0.58 British Pound Sterling in 1 US Dollar.
About 0.7 GBP (British Pounds) equal one USD (US$). And people in the US don't call a banknote a note; they call it a bill. (Like a phone bill, but opposite in meaning.) None. There are 100 cents in US Dollar.
0.572436 pounds
£1.00 (British Pounds) = $1.44 (US Dollars)
1 US Dollar is 0.59 UK Pounds.
about .64 pounds
On US dollar is equivalent to 0.64 pounds as of July 6, 2015.
The people of the United States weigh about 50,000,000,000 pounds altogether. Or if you meant how many pounds equal a US dollar, the answer is about 65 p.
1364832.00 US Dollar
1 U.S. dollar = 0.621426796 British pounds
As of 12Feb09 USD70 was worth USD48.75
1 US Dollar is currently worth 0.65 pounds, but this is always changing.
Today, one US dollar = 0.63 pounds
How many pounds that are in 1 dollar varies from one day to the next, depending upon the currency exchange rare. As of July 5, 2014, there is 0.58 British Pound Sterling in 1 US Dollar.