1 UK Pound = 1.51 US Dollars
60 pounds you would get...
49.5 billion United States dollars is about 28,838,591,595 British Pound Sterling. 1 billion U.S dollars is about 582,597,810 British Pound Sterling.
In 1813, 1 pound was 5 dollars 100 pound = 500 dollars
See the related link for the daily exchange rate between the Pound Sterling (UK) and other world currencies.
1 UK £ = Jamaican $56.10
Approximately two US dollars = 1 GBP
It fluctuates, but around two dollars to the pound.
1 UK Pound = 1.51 US Dollars
1 UK Pound = 1.51 US Dollars
1.607 bsd = 1.00 gbp
1 UK pound is equal to 1.60 U.S. Dollars.
96.52 pound sterling.
There are 16 ounces in a pound in the UK.
The pound is the unit of currency in the UK - it's what the English call their money instead of 'dollars'.
1 uk pount is $2 US
60 pounds you would get...