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They usually repossess when you miss two or three payments. They seldom repossess if you've just missed one.

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Q: How many days must a vehicle loan be late before it is repossessed?
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Can a vehicle be repossessed if the payment is 21 days late in New York State?

READ your CONTRACT. IF the contract is in DEFAULT, the collateral CAN be repossessed.

Can your car be repossessed before being 90 days late?


Can your vehicle be repossessed for late payments?

Obvious answer, Yes.

What is the time limit to recover a repossessed vehicle in Texas?

Under Texas law, a vehicle may be repossessed even if payment was only late for 10 days. This means that is payment was due on the first day of the month, and payment has not been settled on the tenth, then, vehicle will be repossessed on the eleventh.

What is the most repossessed vehicle?

Ones on which the owners are late on the payments. :-)

What is the most commonly repossessed vehicle?

Ones on which the owners are late on the payments. :-)

Can a vehicle be repossessed because the payment is 15 days late after 4 years of payments and only 3000 dollars owed?

If you are in DEFAULT of the contract, the collateral can be repoed.

How many days late on car payment before it can be repo?

The length of time that a car payment can be late without being repossessed will depend on the bank or car dealers agreements. Payments made after a month may be in jeopardy of being repossessed.

Can a vehicle get repossessed if your first payment is 15 days late?

Read the fine print of your contract carefully. I have never heard of a vehicle leasing/purchasing contract NOT having a first payment default clause.

Can your car still be repossessed if the payment is 30 days late?


How long overdue until your vehicle can be repossessed?

Technically the car can be repossessed when your loan becomes 30 days late. The industry standard is to start looking for the car after 90 days. This is for large banks. If you purchase a car at a 'buy here pay here' lot, they WILL take the car on the 31'st day.

Can a vehicle be reposessed for late fees on the loan?

It depends on how many times you've been late on vehicle payments. Most of the time though as long as you are making a payment of some kind on the loan your vehicle will not be repossessed.