1 English pound is 1.5317 US Dollars. Therefore 150 pounds is $229.76
$1.00 = £0.60
27 pound
In 1813, 1 pound was 5 dollars 100 pound = 500 dollars
As of 20Feb09 GBP1 was worth USD1.4280
1 English pound is 1.5317 US Dollars. Therefore 150 pounds is $229.76
$1.00 = £0.60
As at 11Oct09 1 British Pound was worth 1.5820 US Dollars.
In Bulgarian, an English Pound is referred to as an English Lira. So One US dollar is equivalent to .64 English Liras, or English pounds.
27 pound
it equals about 1.6181 US dollars
At present (11 May 2012), one British pound is worth about $1.61 in US dollars.
The pound is the unit of currency in the UK - it's what the English call their money instead of 'dollars'.
One British pound was worth about US$4.86 at that time.
In 1813, 1 pound was 5 dollars 100 pound = 500 dollars