1 US Dollar is currently worth 0.65 pounds, but this is always changing.
How much is 370 pounds in the UK from the US
£1.00 (British Pounds) = $1.44 (US Dollars)
20 pounds is $30.89 in the U.S.
60 UK Pounds = 96.46 US Dollars
1 US Dollar is 0.59 UK Pounds.
there are 0.675 UK pounds to 1 US dollarIt changes every day.Today (January 17, 2010), 1 UK pound = US$1.6259
1 US Dollar is currently worth 0.65 pounds, but this is always changing.
1 U.S. dollar = 0.677414984 British pounds
How much is 370 pounds in the UK from the US
0.572436 pounds
£1.00 (British Pounds) = $1.44 (US Dollars)
$750.16 1 British pound sterling = 1.5961 US dollars
about .64 pounds
On US dollar is equivalent to 0.64 pounds as of July 6, 2015.
At the end of the day Dec 7, 2010: 1 US dollar = 0.6293 UK Pounds. Currency conversions vary on a continual basis. I refer you to the tool on ConvertWorld.com which has a currency converter which is updated daily, as well as other useful Unit Conversions.
The people of the United States weigh about 50,000,000,000 pounds altogether. Or if you meant how many pounds equal a US dollar, the answer is about 65 p.