4 rupees
.01 Australian is .4 Rupees.
convert 20 cent in to Indian rupees
1 USD cent is equivalent to about 0.43 Indian Rupees.
The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
1 cent (US) is equal to 0.67 Indian Rupees.
Approximately 0.552 Indian Rupees are equal to $o.o1
20euro cent hoe many indian rupees
its about 0.592 INR...
20 euro cent exchange by indian ruppes
1 US Cent is appx equal to 0.40 Indian Rupees. (at exchange rate of 1USD = 40 Indian Rupees). - Neeraj Sharma
4 rupees
Currently, one cent in Euro is equal to about 1.32 Pakistani rupees. However, currency exchange rates are constantly changing and should be checked as needed for the most recent rates.
As of 21st June 2009, $0.01 (1 cent) = 0.48 Indian Rupees
1 us cent equal how many Pakistani rupees...
.01 Australian is .4 Rupees.