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every 1 dollar = 0.139913 swedish krona

3 billion x 0.139913 = 419,737,747 dollars

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Q: How many American dollars is 3 billion Swedish krona?
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How many American dollars is 1 billion Swedish krona?

143 million

How many dollars is 2 billion Swedish krona?

2 billion Swedish kronor = 303.62800 million US dollars.

How many American dollars is 1.85 billion Swedish Krona?

Google says: 287379000.00 US Dollars or 287.3 million us dollars

4000000000 Swedish krona in US?

4 billion Swedish krona ~ $445,116,800.00

What is the current exchange rate of Sweden to American dollars?

As of today (01APR2011), 1 Swedish Krona (SEK) is worth about $0.16 US Dollars. $1.00 is worth about 6.28 Krona.

How many American dollars is 140 million Swedish Krona?

Exchange rates fluctuate. See the link below for current values

When was Swedish krona created?

Swedish krona was created in 1873.

What currency to use in Stockholm Sweden?

The Swedish Krona.

If 1.00 the United States dollar equals 7.5506 Swedish Krona does that mean it's less expensive in the us or in Sweden?

It doesn't necessarily mean either. Prices depend on more than just the currency they're in. For example, if there were 1,000 US dollars to a Swedish krona, a stereo could cost 200 krona in Sweden but 100,000 dollars in the US - the American price is still cheaper.

What curancy do Sweden use?

The currency used in Sweden is the "Svensk krona" (Swedish krona) SEK

How much 3500 Danish krona is in swedish krona?

3500 Danish kroner is the equivalent of 3909.50 Swedish kronor.

Does Sweden still use Krona today?

Yes, the Swedish Krona.