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If, within 36 months of the date of purchase, the property is no longer used as your principal residence, you are required to repay the credit. Repayment of the full amount of the credit is due at the time the income tax return for the year the home ceased to be your principal residence is due. The full amount of the credit is reflected as additional tax on that year's tax return. Form 5405 and its instructions will be revised for tax year 2009 to include information about repayment of the credit.

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Q: How long do you have to wait to sell your home after getting the tax credit?
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Yes that can hapen any where.

When you bought your house in 2009 you were able to get the 8000 stimulas package on your tax return Can you sell your house in 2011?

If you live in your home for less than three years, you may be required to pay back all or a portion of the first-time home buyer tax credit that you received. Repayment of the credit will be required if you sell the home, or if you convert it to a rental property or business-use property. You must repay the entire credit on the tax return for the year that it ceased being your main home.

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You need to decide what your long term goals are. If it's a home you plan to live in for a long time, then you may want to tough it out. Your goal is to stay in the home, not sell it for a profit or rent it out. If the property was purchased as an investment for your future, or otherwise selected for its financial viability as an asset, you could short-sell the home (sell it for less that you owe) or surrender it to the bank (deed-in-lieu of foreclosure). While there are negative credit and tax implications (in some instances), the "hit" of these negatives may be far less damaging over time than floating a negative asset may be to your long term finances.

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Yes, Video only actually does sell home theater systems. The name is a little misleading. As long as there is some video component then they sell it.

If accounts receivable stays the same and credit sales go up what happens?

can't happen man. When u sell on credit accounts receivable have to go up because you are getting paid in the future.

Are you considered a resident of the State of California if you sell your home?

You will be considered a resident of the state of California as long as you live in the state. If you sell your home and move to another in the state, you will still be a resident.