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Credit scores normally range from 330-830. The only way to raise your score positively to continue to pay all bills on time and keep your debt ratio low. With a new credit card/loan it takes about 6 months of positive information to raise your credit score.

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Q: How fast and how many points can you add on your credit score?
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While there's no definitive answer with respect to how many points your credit score may drop after a collection, a collection account is a clear indication that a loan, credit card or retail card was not repaid and payment history is one major contributing factor to your credit score. This can have a negative impact on your credit score.

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You credit score will not improve just because any lien is deleted. You have to earn your credit points by payment history of creditors you make agreements with.

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A charge-off can hurt your credit score anywhere from 20-120 points.

How many points will a foreclosure reduce your credit score?

Depends on credit score prior to foreclosure. If your score was higher before foreclosure, it might drop 200 points or so. If it was lower before foreclosure, it might drop closer to 100 points. It varies significantly.

How many points does a charge off take from your credit score?

first it depends what kind of charge off it is. and your credit score is all up to which credit company your checking your credit on .. there is no real answer to that question.

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