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The prudence concept assumes that the worst can happen and tries to account for it in the accounts.

The provision for doubtful debts is an estimated percentage of debtors that are not expected to pay during the year. All the debtors may pay up during the year, meaning that the provision for doubtful debts was unnecessary, but it still lets the companies account for any possible bad debts during the year.

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Q: How does relevance of the concept of prudence to bad debts and the provision for doubtful debts?
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Prudence Concept in accounting?

preparation of account involve estimations, measurements and and valuations according to the conservatism or prudence concept it is a good practice to follow a procedure that tends to understate things.

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According to this concept "expected losses are losses but expected gains are not gains". On the basis of this concept closing stock is valued at cost price or market price, whichever is lower. Provision for bad and doubtful debts are maintained.

Why concept of conservatism is called prudence?

Conservatism is often seen as prudence. People who are conservative do not waste things or use resources unwisely. This may make them seem as if they are prudish.

Does accounting concepts conflict?

Accruals and prudenceThe accruals concept requires future income (e.g. in relation to credit sales) to be accrued. The prudence concept dictates that caution should be exercised, so that if there is doubt about the subsequent receipt, no accrual should be made.Consistency and prudenceIf circumstances change, prudence may conflict with the consistency concept, which requires the same treatment year after year.In both situations, prudence must prevail.

What is prudence concept?

The concept of prudence in accounting is the exercise of caution and careful judgment when preparing financial statements. It involves ensuring that assets and profits are not overstated and liabilities and expenses are not understated, leading to a more conservative approach to financial reporting. Prudence helps to provide a more accurate and reliable representation of a company's financial position and performance.

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